GitHub - labDomolandes/ecofloc
Evaluating newsletter platforms (pt 1)
Global Guidance for Life Cycle Impact Assessment Indicators - Life Cycle Initiative
EUR-Lex - 32021H2279 - EN - EUR-Lex
Leaner images, lower footprint, at scale | Wagtail CMS
Automated Source Code Resource Sustainability Measure (ASCRSM), v1.0 - formal-24-01-09.pdf
(7) Et si notre approche de l’écoconception des services numériques était erronée ? | LinkedIn
Carbon accounting in the Cloud: a methodology for allocating emissions across data center users
Digitalisation of goods: a systematic review of the determinants and magnitude of the impacts on energy consumption - Court_2020_Environ._Res._Lett._15_043001.pdf
GPP Criteria and Requirements
Estimer l’empreinte environnementale, un pré-requis à toute démarche d’éco-conception - Conserto
GitHub - Orange-OpenSource/ai-power-measures-sharing: This project defines a json ontology standard describing a power consumption measure in a given software/hardware context, noticeably in machine learning tasks. It also provides the tooling for conversion to tabular datasets.
55 Etude L empreinte carbone des sites web et outils de web analyse - 2024.pdf
Extending IPv6 to support Carbon Aware Networking - Green Web Foundation
Making a Difference with Web Standards
Carbon Footprint Calculations for a Software Company – Adapting
Systems thinking and efficiency under emissions constraints: Addressing rebound effects in digital innovation and policy
ICT sector electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions – 2020 outcome
Compte-rendu Comptoir: Qu’apporte l’analyse de cycle de vie lors d’un audit d’éco-conception de service numérique ? - OCTO Talks !
[E-impact] kWh/GB should be banned and the IETF should warn against its use
Charted: How Many Data Centers do Major Big Tech Companies Have?
Assessing the environmental impact of mobile applications: a measure framework toward DevGreenOps | Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 11th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems
Projeter les futurs environnementaux de la numérisation | Gauthier Roussilhe