Leaking the email of any YouTube user for $10,000
What’s the worst place to leave your secrets? – Research into what happens to AWS credentials that are left in public places - Cybenari
DDoS threat report for 2024 Q2
Introduction · Reverse Engineering
We Tested Kids’ Smart Toys for Privacy. Here’s How You Can, Too – The Markup
Dead grandma locket request tricks Bing Chat’s AI into solving security puzzle
Anatomie d'un exercice Red Team - Chapitre 1 - POST
Top 10 web hacking techniques of 2021
Big Tech is mandating MFA. Hackers have workarounds
CrackStation's Password Cracking Dictionary (Pay what you want!)
Free Rainbow Tables
Common Password List ( rockyou.txt )
Default passwords list - Select manufacturer
Council Post: I Don't Scan QR Codes, And Neither Should You
Hacking Grindr Accounts with Copy and Paste
Phishing tricks – the Top Ten Treacheries of 2020
Metasploit Unleashed | Offensive Security
Des hackers font planter des lecteurs de codes-barres avec un QR code
How to deface a website using Remote File Inclusion (RFI) ?
Breaking GitHub Private Pages for $35k
Comment hacker un site web ! Savoir attaquer un site pour mieux le coder !
Zphisher - Automated Phishing Tool in Kali Linux - GeeksforGeeks
CVE security vulnerability database. Security vulnerabilities, exploits, references and more
DNSdumpster.com - dns recon and research, find and lookup dns records
Apprendre le hacking - Techniques de base hacking / sécurité informatique
Deviant Ollam Talks - YouTube
CrackStation - Online Password Hash Cracking - MD5, SHA1, Linux, Rainbow Tables, etc.
My Javascript Recon Process - BugBounty
m4ll0k - Overview