m4ll0k - Overview
Numérique Responsable
NVD - Search and Statistics
Firing Range
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Avast, un scandale exemplaire - Le Temps
Mes Datas et Moi. Reprenez en main votre identité numérique !
Une Journée de Données
Mes Datas et Moi, L’observatoire
HTML test cases
Finding Pleasure in Scarcity
Solar Protocol
(PDF) The climate impact of ICT: A review of estimates, trends and regulations
Climate change implications of gaming products and services - Surrey Research Insight Open Access
N’ayez pas peur de publier vos documents texte au format document ; c’est plus accessible qu’un PDF ! - La Lutine du Web
Let’s Talk About Why Personalized Ads Matter - About Facebook
Energy Efficiency Guide for iOS Apps: Measure Energy Impact with Instruments
Using Metal System Trace in Instruments to Profile Your App | Apple Developer Documentation
Measure app performance with Android Profiler | Android Developers
Web Eco Design - Environmental Calculator
[Infographie] De surprenantes matières critiques
Business Declares - Digital Declutter Toolkit
Volkswagen's low-carbon ID4 website
Le numérique : grand absent de la loi Climat ! - Paula Forteza
Surfgreen - Sustainable and Green Web Design Solutions