Writing my accessibility statement. — ethanmarcotte.com
Numérique Responsable
What's the Difference Between PDF and Accessible PDF? | PDF Accessibility and Compliance
Notyf: A minimalist JavaScript library for toast notifications.
Net Zero Initiative - Un référentiel pour une neutralité carbone collective - Carbone 4
Coronavirus Ended the Screen-Time Debate. Screens Won.
swyx Writing | Every Web Performance Test Tool
All websites should be designed for slow internet on the train
Une cartographie des outils et pratiques de protection de la vie privée | LINC
Silicon Valley Reckons With Responsibility for Tech Addiction
High Performance Browser Networking (O'Reilly)
Ludicrously Fast Page Loads - A Guide for Full-Stack Devs
WebPageTest - Website Performance and Optimization Test
Website Accessibility Checklist (15 Things You Can Improve) | websitesetup.org
Power to the People
La low-tech existe-t-elle dans le numérique ? — Marien Fressinaud
The Endless Scroll: How to Tell if You’re a Tech Addict
The Impact of Web Performance
Top Economists Study What Happens When You Stop Using Facebook
Project Svalbard, Have I Been Pwned and its Ongoing Independence
ISO/TR 14062:2002
HTML: The Inaccessible Parts
Why 543 KB keep me up at night
How to Dox Yourself on the Internet
Technology Colonialism
Google PageSpeed Insights: The Truth About Scoring 100/100
Funkify Disability Simulator - We are Colorblind
Ce qui menace nos libertés
Comment vendre de la merde en ligne en une magnifique leçon
Le site de vente de billets Viagogo attaqué en justice pour son expérience utilisateur stressante