A Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Analysis of Bitcoin Mining Equipment Using Sphera LCA and ecoinvent Databases
Assessment of the energy footprint of digital actions and services - Publications Office of the EU
Data centres & networks - IEA
Thinking about a way to estimate website energy use
How much battery does dark mode save? An Accurate OLED Display Power Profiler for Modern Smartphones - 3458864.3467682.pdf
Green Algorithms
Reporting requirements on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Task A report, Options for a reporting scheme for data centres - Publications Office of the EU
Green AI: A Preliminary Empirical Study on Energy Consumption in DL Models Across Different Runtime Infrastructures
LCA_3_FINAL March 2022.pdf
Open Data by Digital4Better
Executive summary – Electricity 2024 – Analysis - IEA
Delegated regulation - 2023/1669 - EN - EUR-Lex
L'écoconception web mobile : un pas vers un internet plus léger et éco-responsable!
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | US EPA
Sustainable Product Policy
Energie, climat : Quels mondes virtuels pour quel monde réel ? - The-Shift-Project-Quels-mondes-virtuels-pour-quel-monde-reel-Rapport-intermediaire-2023-002.pdf
How Does Personalized Online Marketing Affect Energy Consumption? - sustAIn
Global PUEs — are they going anywhere? - Uptime Institute Blog
Greening Video Distribution Networks
Characterization of the energy consumption of websites: Impact of website implementation on resource consumption | Request PDF