Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) Specification
A Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Analysis of Bitcoin Mining Equipment Using Sphera LCA and ecoinvent Databases
Data centres & networks - IEA
Impacts environnementaux liés à la conception
What Is The Carbon Footprint Of A Laptop?
Estimating the environmental impact of Generative-AI services using an LCA-based methodology
Announcing the (proposed) Technology Carbon Standard
Green Algorithms
Reporting requirements on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Task A report, Options for a reporting scheme for data centres - Publications Office of the EU
Azure carbon optimization - Azure Carbon Optimization
LCA_3_FINAL March 2022.pdf
Open Data by Digital4Better
Why are you estimating digital carbon emissions?
Discover your webpage's CO₂ emissions with the Craft CMS Carbon Emissions Tracker plugin |
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | US EPA
Boavizta/e-footprint: A toolkit for exhaustively modeling the environmental impact of digital services.
The IT sustainability platform - Verdikt
Greenie Web
CO2 Inference - a Hugging Face Space by sasha
World Bank Document - P17859702a98880540a4b70d57876048abb.pdf
Energie, climat : Quels mondes virtuels pour quel monde réel ? - The-Shift-Project-Quels-mondes-virtuels-pour-quel-monde-reel-Rapport-intermediaire-2023-002.pdf
Le groupe Le Monde publie son bilan carbone
cnumr/GreenIT-Analysis-cli: Wrapper de l'extension GreenIT Analysis
Adapting Cloud Carbon Footprint's methodology to website carbon estimates
Carbon Aware Computing: Next Green Breakthrough or New Greenwashing?
Is “software eco-design” a solution to reduce the environmental impact of electronic equipments? | Request PDF