(5) The environmental impact of the cloud - the Common Crawl case study | LinkedIn
Spatio-temporal load shifting for truly clean computing
Code de conduite européen sur les centres de données : un véritable engagement ? - OCTO Talks !
CoC DC Partners
Spécinov | Choisir un hébergement web écologique
A Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Analysis of Bitcoin Mining Equipment Using Sphera LCA and ecoinvent Databases
Data centres & networks - IEA
Reporting requirements on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Task A report, Options for a reporting scheme for data centres - Publications Office of the EU
Azure carbon optimization - Azure Carbon Optimization
Executive summary – Electricity 2024 – Analysis - IEA
Data centers : leur consommation d'eau va exploser
World Bank Document - P17859702a98880540a4b70d57876048abb.pdf
Adapting Cloud Carbon Footprint's methodology to website carbon estimates
Carbon Aware Computing: Next Green Breakthrough or New Greenwashing?
Global PUEs — are they going anywhere? - Uptime Institute Blog