Shopping for speed on
CO2 emissions on the web
A web of anxiety: accessibility for people with anxiety and panic disorders [Part 1]
Innovation Can’t Keep the Web Fast
Here’s a Long List of Data Broker Sites and How to Opt-Out of Them
What Are 'Data Brokers,' and Why Are They Scooping Up Information About You?
minimal – Adoptez cette extension pour 🦊 Firefox (fr)
How Sustainable is a Solar Powered Website?
greenerWP – climate-friendly WordPress websites
Mine - The Future of Data Ownership
Data detox: Five ways to reset your relationship with your phone – The Firefox Frontier
3 différences entre “hier” et aujourd’hui quant à la captation de notre attention
Your smartphone is tracking you: How to stop it from sharing data, ads
I Got Access to My Secret Consumer Score. Now You Can Get Yours, Too.
Speed By A Thousand Cuts
The New Generation of Performance Metrics for Better User Experience - Calibre
Doing a basic accessibility check if you cannot do a detailed one
The Motherboard Guide to Not Getting Hacked
Ethical Design Handbook, the book by Trine Falbe, Martin Michael Frederiksen and Kim Andersen
You’re Tracked Everywhere You Go Online. Use This Guide to Fight Back.
How to choose a green web host
Training people to do accessibility reviews - Accessibility in government
Elements of a sustainable design framework redux
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Les trucs qui me font détester votre site web en 2020 -