Treat accessibility issues as bugs, not feature requests
Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index - Digiconomist
Carbon intensity of electricity
20230703 - Synthèse - feuille de route de décarbonation du numérique.pdf
What Is the Environmental Cost of Renewable Energy’s Dependency on Traditional Extraction Methods and Are There Better Ways?
Accessibility Checklist for UX Designers | HolisticA11Y
Could Google’s Carbon Emissions Have Effectively Doubled Overnight?
The performance effects of too much lazy loading
Préparation conférence - ressources précieuses
Préparation conférence - introduction au numérique responsable
Performance As Design
4 steps to design fast experiences
Est-ce que le secteur numérique existe ? | Gauthier Roussilhe
Démarches "Low Tech" - La librairie ADEME
Green Cloud : gérer l'impact environnemental des projets data - Alteca
Conversion of fonts to WOFF/WOFF2 and font subsetting with Glyphhanger · Florian Brinkmann
Tatiana Mac
Sustainable UX: How Designers Can Help Make a Positive Impact on the Environment
When It Comes to Good CX, Measurement Is Critical - GovLoop
Empreinte carbone du cloud : Amazon, Microsoft et Google ont-ils la tête dans les nuages ? | Carbone 4
What does gaming's all-digital future mean for the climate crisis?
The Fastest Google Fonts – CSS Wizardry
Préparation conférence - matières premières
Speed Needs Design, or: You can’t delight users you’ve annoyed
Les besoins essentiels de la low-tech | Gauthier Roussilhe
Peering into the accessibility of Dark Mode
Vidéo : Parlons développement mobile