Vers une éducation à la sobriété numérique
Transferts de données vers les États-Unis : la Commission européenne adopte une nouvelle décision d’adéquation
Don’t Sink Your Website With Third Parties — Smashing Magazine
NFTs et metavers : quels impacts environnementaux et sociaux ?
La criticalité : A quand la fin des terres rares ? | resilio
Toolkit: The Digital Ethics Compass
thegreenwebfoundation/carbon.txt: A proposed convention for making it possible demonstrate that your infrastucture uses green power
Marcy Sutton
How the game industry is fighting its carbon footprint
Purchasing Power Parity — Stellify ★
An API for fast, beautiful web fonts
Take it easy with transitions
A quick guide to easy web performance wins
Datavizta : Outil pédagogique de visualisation des données d'impact des constructeurs | Boavizta
Content Clusters: The Pillars of Your Content Strategy
What happened at our meetup focused on Sustainable UX - write up by Sandra Pallier -
CAT Salon: Digital sustainability pt. 1 – an introduction (with Tom Greenwood)
4D Sustainability Canvas - How it works
Reducing Experience Gaps in Web Performance
A Management Maturity Model for Performance - Infrequently Noted
Privacy Principles for the Web
Top Tasks: To Focus On What Matters You Must De-Focus On What Doesn’t — Smashing Magazine
Chrome UX Report - Chrome Developers
Who pays for cleaner energy on the web? Ratepayers, taxpayers and shareholders - The Green Web Foundation