You Might Not Need that Framework – Frontend Masters Boost
How Discord Reduced Websocket Traffic by 40%
1.2.Train - Billets de train SNCF
Sex, Power, and Technology: A Relational Engineering Ethos as Feminist Utopia
"Libre et responsable" – Tout savoir sur les liens entre numérique responsable et logiciel libre
2024 Eco Web Hosting Review
L’éco-socio-conception (1/6) Pourquoi intégrer les aspects sociaux du cycle de vie...
A Progress Update on Our Carbon Reduction Goals at Xbox - Xbox Wire
Carbon Aware Website
(Re)Defining sustainable e-commerce
Charge sans fil pour le smartphone : quelle surconsommation et quel surcoût
Applications mobiles : la CNIL publie ses recommandations pour mieux protéger la vie privée
What’s The Difference Between CrUX And RUM Data? | DebugBear
HTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/2: What Does It Mean For Page Speed? | DebugBear
How To Optimize Largest Contentful Paint For Video Elements | DebugBear
What Is JavaScript Hydration For Single Page Applications? | DebugBear
Minify JavaScript And CSS Code For A Faster Website | DebugBear
How to Defer Offscreen Images and Background Images | DebugBear
Google's New CrUX Vis Tool: Explore Core Web Vitals Data | DebugBear
Tour d’horizon des outils GreenIT
The Green Compagnon : Formez-vous au Numérique Responsable
The EU’s Digital Services Act
Thinking about using AI? Here's what you can and (probably) can't change about AI's environmental impact
The Cost-Carbon Paradox - Why Cost Saving !== Carbon Reduction | ASIM.DEV
Net Zero: Green Software
How to identify a Toxic Accessibility Culture, and what you can do about it
Proposition d'un indicateur d'obsolescence pour les sites de contenus
green-coding-solutions/green-metrics-tool: Measure energy and carbon consumption of software
Les outils conformes - Association pour la transition Bas Carbone