Numérique Responsable
Orange passe à l’écoconception sur le digital
Good practices in digital service ecodesign for software developers
Patterns - Privacy Patterns
Designing for Security
Accessibility strategy
Low-carbon website case studies — lowwwcarbon
| A guide for making apps accessible
Le baromètre du numérique | Arcep
An Attempt to Sort Out Digital Carbon Footprint Evaluations
Quelle est la police la plus économique et écologique ?
Collectif API Thinking
An Introduction to E-waste Policy
Page Speed Matters: 10 Case Studies Show Why
UX & genre - Guide pratique pour une communication inclusive
(3) Neurodivergence, Climate Change and Software: The Undiagnosed Connection | LinkedIn
Back/forward cache
RIP, Passwords. Here’s What’s Coming Next.
Study: Enough rare earth minerals to fuel green energy shift
Modeling the Power Consumption of a Computer Monitor
Cost, Consumption and Feasibility Challenges for New Video Compression Standards with Low Latency Objectives
Percentiles don’t work: Analyzing the distribution of response times for web services (Updated with…
Is there a wave of green software legislation and standards coming our way?
Teaching Green and Sustainable Computing: Challenges and Ideas
Optimize Time to First Byte
An MIT Technology Review Series: AI Colonialism
Leave No Trace
Ressources d’accessibilité numérique - Ideance