Streaming vs CD ou DVD, liseuse vs livre papier : quels sont les impacts environnementaux de la digitalisation des services culturels ?
Numérique Responsable
What to Know About Accessible PDFs From Microsoft Word and Google Docs - Lireo Designs
Tordons le cou aux discussions sur l’impact des e-mails – EcoInfo
4 Required Tests Before Shipping New Features | Stephanie Eckles
What is Synthetic Monitoring and How to Get More From It - Calibre
UCI study finds 53 percent jump in e-waste greenhouse gas emissions between 2014, 2020
Ditch Carbon
Home | Humane by Design
Sustainability workload documentation - Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework
Les réductions d'émissions de CO2 promises par les Cloud providers sont elles réalistes? | Boavizta
Corporate Digital Responsibility in Europe | Interreg Europe - Sharing solutions for better policy
Adoption of the law to reduce the environmental footprint of digital technology - Labo
A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Le Référentiel général de sécurité (RGS)
Power consumption of JPEG, WebP, and AVIF
Ethical design is a risk management strategy
Building a Better Web - Part 1: A faster YouTube on web
Comment concevoir des sites et applications moins énergivores : un expert répond
Faster hardware is a bad first solution to slow software
Optimising Largest Contentful Paint – CSS Wizardry
Approaches to calculating website energy and carbon
Is carbon the right metric for developers to optimize?
Awareness Grows – “Weightless” Virtual World has a Mass
Metal-lifespan analysis shows scale of waste
Notre approche pour atténuer l’empreinte écologique d’IndieHosters
Environmental Reporting Dashboards for OpenStack from BBC R&D - Superuser
Argos: Comparing the Energy Consumption of Two Web Stacks
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?