Environmental Reporting Dashboards for OpenStack from BBC R&D - Superuser
Numérique Responsable
Argos: Comparing the Energy Consumption of Two Web Stacks
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?
NY WebPerf Sept '22 - Performance Mistakes - An HTTP Archive Deep Dive
Ethical web development: Here you can learn more
Souveraineté du numérique et enjeux environnementaux
Is Net Zero the finish line?
Yes, accessibility is also a backend concern
Ethical Compass
Performance Budgets: The Easiest Way to a Faster Site - Calibre
Overlay False Claims
Draft Note: W3C Accessibility Maturity Model
Will Serving Real HTML Content Make A Website Faster? Let's Experiment! - WebPageTest Blog
GIFs Without the .gif: The Most Performant Image and Video Options Right Now | CSS-Tricks
Métavers : les défis à relever pour cette doublure numérique du monde réel
Endangered elements are a big risk for the world – here’s why
Intégration vidéo : pourquoi réfléchir avant d'utiliser un player YouTube sur son site web - Temesis
Empreinte carbone d'un e-mail : mythes, réalités et solutions
Black or bot? The long, sordid history of co-opting Blackness online
Visualizing the Critical Metals in a Smartphone
Total Blocking Time: A Short and Sweet Guide for Happier Users - Calibre
De l'envie au besoin réel : un changement de paradigme
La dimension environnementale en Design de Service (1/3)
Quality Is Systemic - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
MemLab: An open source framework for finding JavaScript memory leaks
HTTP Request vs HTTP Long-Polling vs WebSocket vs Server-Sent Events
Les effets environnementaux indirects de la numérisation | Gauthier Roussilhe
How to Plan and Deliver on Site Speed as a Team - Calibre