Big advertisers are discovering their digital-advertising campaigns carry a big carbon tax
Numérique Responsable
Energy efficient color palette ideas - Green the web
Access First / My accessibility toolbox · GitLab
Tota11y! instructions
Can browsers optimize the loading of third-party resources? - Chrome Developers
FTC, Commercial Surveillance, and Overlays
How to talk about disability sensitively and avoid ableist tropes
Limits to digitalization | Gauthier Roussilhe
Where do Digital Emissions Come From?
Don't fight the browser preload scanner
Pluralistic: 15 Aug 2022 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
Color and
The impact of removing jQuery on our web performance
Revealed: The climate cost of 'disposable smartphones'
Use image CDNs to optimize images
Halve the size of images by optimising for high density displays
Lou Montulli and the invention of cookie | Hidden Heroes
One small step for earth
Sustainable Systems: Architectural Choices & Sustainability
Operational Choices in Sustainable Architecture | GSF
Tradeoff Between Server Utilization and Energy Efficiency
Software Carbon Intensity: Crafting a Standard | GSF
« Si notre smartphone avait une conscience, est-ce qu’on le remplacerait aussi facilement ? »
How-to: Use Firefox for accessibility testing - The A11Y Project
Luxury retailer Farfetch sees higher conversion rates for better Core Web Vitals
Accessible Social
JavaScript SDK “Package Size is Massive” - So we reduced it by 29%
Urgence Climatique, Justice Sociale & numérique responsable