I stopped advertising everywhere and nothing happened.
Numérique Responsable
Optimizing resource loading with the Fetch Priority API
Email Accessibility: Best Practices for Designers and Developers
Bitcoin energy consumption 2023 | Statista
Écoconception d’un site internet - Eni Blog
Which browsers are best for privacy?
Accessibility checklist
Creating low-carbon images for the web
Accessibility in plain language for programs [Updated + 2023]
An Inclusive Web is Fast by Default
Making the world’s fastest website, and other mistakes
Accessibilité : classement des sites des candidats à la présidentielle 2022 - Temesis
JavaScript Start-up Optimization
Can You Afford It?: Real-world Web Performance Budgets - Infrequently Noted
A Designer’s Guide to Documenting Accessibility & User Interactions by Stéphanie Walter
#FACILiti Will Get You Sued
It’s not just you. Science explains how your focus is more scattered now and how to get it back
Les impacts sociaux et éthiques de l'intelligence artificielle - Le bon digital
Big images, blazingly fast
Which SVG technique performs best for way too many icons?
Loading Third-Party JavaScript
Une bonne pratique vers un numérique plus responsable : mesurer le ressenti des internautes. - OCTO Talks !
ENQUÊTE. Pressions sur les populations indigènes, pollution : révélations sur lespratiques d’une mine au Guatemala
Time for government to stop using Medium
Alexandra Iteanu (Iteanu Avocats) : "Toute entreprise se servant de Google Analytics est désormais susceptible d'être sanctionnée par la Cnil"
[GDG Rennes Android] ecoCode : how green is your app? - Olivier Le Goaër
Solitaire Townsend: Are ad agencies, PR firms and lobbyists destroying the climate?