Theory of Change: Educational Materials
Numérique Responsable
How to Prioritize Features For Digital Products
Stakeholder Mapping: A Guide for Purpose-Driven Organizations
How to Design an Impact Business Model
Single Market for Green Products - Environment - European Commission
How many emissions in a gigabyte of data?
The Matterhorn Protocol 1.1
PDF/UA - Wikipedia
Sources of data center energy estimates: A comprehensive review
WebPageTest Recorder Extension
Joular Project
Un décret explique l'élaboration de la stratégie numérique responsable
Giving a damn about accessibility
How to deliver a highly emotional and interactive experience with a low carbon impact
Social Carbon Footprint Calculator | Compare the Market
Save the Internet
'The Metaverse Primer' —
Data Center Locations
Ruée minière au XXIè siècle : jusqu'où les limites seront-elles repoussées ? - Aurore Stephant à USI
Sustainable Software Engineering 🌱
How do we Teach Green Software?
Greening digital companies: Monitoring emissions and climate commitments
Toyota cuts carbon footprint of digital ads via tech tie-up
Quels outils pour mettre en place une politique numérique responsable en entreprise
L'effondrement : le point critique ? Aurore Stéphant [EN DIRECT]
Fin des métaux rares : c'est l'heure du choix (avec Aurore Stéphant)