Measure performance with the RAIL model
Numérique Responsable
Apply instant loading with the PRPL pattern
Follow the Money: How Digital Ads Subsidize the Worst of the Web | WIRED
Home | Me and my Shadow
Security in a Box - Digital security tools and tactics
Holistic security
Google Ad Portal Equated “Black Girls” with Porn – The Markup
Opquast - check-list de référence | Trello
Projects/Sustainability/Ideas - MozillaWiki
climate-strike/license: Prevent oil and gas companies from co-opting your work and extracting more fossil fuels with this software license.
Dark Patterns at Scale: Findings from a Crawl of 11K Shopping Websites Draft: July 1, 2019 - dark-patterns-v2.pdf
Conformité et accessibilité, l’amour vache (a11y) – 24 jours de web
How to Check Your Devices for Stalkerware | WIRED
How to Know If You’ve Been Hacked, and What to Do About It | WIRED
UX Series 3: Digital Accessibility and the UX Design Process
Atlas of Surveillance
Google met en open source son scanner de vulnérabilité Tsunami - ZDNet
Talks – SustainableUX
The performance cost of custom web fonts, and how to solve it
What Is the circular economy?
The Circular Design Guide
What Does 1GB of Mobile Data Cost in Every Country?
Sweep the Sleaze – iA
Webwaste – A List Apart
Perf Track
Publication des travaux sur l'environnement et le numérique | CNNum | Traducteur et éclaireur des transformations numériques
A look at password security, Part I: history and background - The Mozilla Blog