Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

#Vendor #alarms #safety #AssistiveTechnology
Smoke alarms for hard of hearing --- Loudenlow - 520 Hertz Smoke Alarm for hard of hearing people (HOH) with high frequency hearing loss. (Hear it online with your computer ) Low frequency smoke detector. Normal alarms can't be heard by many seniors. Som
Smoke alarms for hard of hearing --- Loudenlow - 520 Hertz Smoke Alarm for hard of hearing people (HOH) with high frequency hearing loss. (Hear it online with your computer ) Low frequency smoke detector. Normal alarms can't be heard by many seniors. Som
Smoke alarms for hard of hearing --- Loudenlow - 520 Hertz Smoke Alarm for hard of hearing people (HOH) with high frequency hearing loss. (Hear it online with your computer ) Low frequency smoke detector. Normal alarms can't be heard by many seniors. Som