Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

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Audiology; Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education - Iowa Department of Education
Audiology; Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education - Iowa Department of Education
In addition to the essential skills and concepts of the Iowa Core, students who are deaf or hard of hearing have specialized needs not covered in the general education curriculum. The purpose of the Expanded Core Curriculum for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (ECC-DHH) is to be a resource for IFSP and IEP team members when developing educational plans for a student who is deaf or hard or hearing. This tool is designed for teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing and education audiologists to address these identified areas that are either not taught or require specific and...
Audiology; Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education - Iowa Department of Education