Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Home | Olive Osmond Hearing Fund (OOHF) | United States
Home | Olive Osmond Hearing Fund (OOHF) | United States
The Olive Osmond Hearing Fund raises awareness for the deaf and hard-of-hearing. There is such a demand in the United States and around the world for the deaf and hard-of-hearing. Most insurance companies do not cover hearing aids...
Home | Olive Osmond Hearing Fund (OOHF) | United States
Roll Over Beethoven: 6 Modern Deaf Musicians | Mental Floss
Roll Over Beethoven: 6 Modern Deaf Musicians | Mental Floss
Famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven began to lose his hearing around the age of 25. By the time of his death, he was completely deaf. But that never stopped him from writing some of the most beautiful music the world has ever known. Beethoven is proof that music isn't just in the ears, but comes from the heart and from the soul. His legacy is carried on today by many deaf and hard of hearing musicians, including these six performers who don't need to hear to express themselves through song. Mandy
Roll Over Beethoven: 6 Modern Deaf Musicians | Mental Floss
Music Links for Kids
Music Links for Kids
Music links for kids - from Athropolis. How to read music, instruments, musical terms, lessons, songs, and even games!
Music Links for Kids