Found 127 bookmarks
Accessibility Tips for a Better Zoom/Virtual Meeting Experience - Deaf/Hard of Hearing Technology Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Accessibility Tips for a Better Zoom/Virtual Meeting Experience - Deaf/Hard of Hearing Technology Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Tips for addressing needs of deaf and hard of hearing participants in virtual workplace meetings. This includes meetings with all-sign language users, or a mix of sign language users and audio users with sign language interpreter support.
Accessibility Tips for a Better Zoom/Virtual Meeting Experience - Deaf/Hard of Hearing Technology Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Learnings from Remote Experience: Work It Like a Deaf Person
Learnings from Remote Experience: Work It Like a Deaf Person
Hello! In 2010, I was a young woman living her dream of a career in public service, with a special passion for making complex information easily accessible and understood. I never even imagined that my passion for clear communication & direct engagement would put me down the path where I would event
Learnings from Remote Experience: Work It Like a Deaf Person
New NDC COVID-19 Information Page
New NDC COVID-19 Information Page
We have resources ready for you on a dedicated COVID-19 information page. We will be building out tailored information to support both short- and long-term decision making on important topics including accessibility, transition planning, self-advocacy, and mental health during this time of stress and change. Check back often for updates on a range of topics, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram for daily insights on ways to mitigate the potential negative impact of the spread of the coronavirus. [Disponible en español]
New NDC COVID-19 Information Page
NAIE Announcement: Preparing Educational Interpreters for Distance Learning
NAIE Announcement: Preparing Educational Interpreters for Distance Learning
Due to the spread of COVID-19 (aka “coronavirus”) in the United States, we recognize that everyone is being impacted in some way or another, whether at work, at home, or through family, friends, and consumers. One of the things we are so proud of our membership for is the concern we have for deaf, h
NAIE Announcement: Preparing Educational Interpreters for Distance Learning
Accessibility Tips for a Better Zoom/Virtual Meeting Experience - Deaf/Hard of Hearing Technology Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Accessibility Tips for a Better Zoom/Virtual Meeting Experience - Deaf/Hard of Hearing Technology Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Tips for addressing needs of deaf and hard of hearing participants in virtual workplace meetings. This includes meetings with all-sign language users, or a mix of sign language users and audio users with sign language interpreter support.
Accessibility Tips for a Better Zoom/Virtual Meeting Experience - Deaf/Hard of Hearing Technology Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Zoom Task Cards (Students & Parents)
Zoom Task Cards (Students & Parents)
Teachers, Feel free to use and share. File---> Make a copy and it’s yours to edit, adjust to your needs, etc. Don’t worry about giving me credit. Just use the resources responsibly. Happy teaching and learning! --Jenna Jenna Reeh Instructional Technology Facilitator Papillion LaVista Community Sc...
Zoom Task Cards (Students & Parents)
Zoom/Google Hangouts Online Class: Rules and Etiquette for Distance Learning
Zoom/Google Hangouts Online Class: Rules and Etiquette for Distance Learning
Many of us are quarantined due to the coronavirus. I've begun using Zoom to complete online classes with my students. I felt the need to make a list of rules for them to abide by because, well, the first few days were a bit chaotic! #distancelearningtptI also included one for Google Hangouts and a B...
Zoom/Google Hangouts Online Class: Rules and Etiquette for Distance Learning