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Cochlear Implant Connections: Facilitating the Rehabilitation Journey
Article in the ASHA Leader looking at late-deafened adults and cochlear implant rehabilitation
Telephone with Confidence | Cochlear
Fantastic site for practicing telephone use, content changes weekly so you are always challenged with new material
HA counseling
Great beginning information on dealing with hearing loss
Telephone Tips for Cochlear Implant Recipients | The Hearing People: MED-EL
Using the telephone with a hearing implant is easy. Use these tips to make sure that you can listen and communicate your best!
Telephones | Hearing Loss Association of America
HowStuffWorks "How Hearing Impaired Telephones Work"
Though some of the technology cited is a bit dated and they use the phrase "hearing impaired" (cringe), there is some good, easy-to-understand information in this article.
Maximizing Our Ability to Hear on the Telephone
An older article (from 2005) but still lots of great information that can be used
Telephone Tips for Communicating with Hard of Hearing Individuals
Tips for HEARING people and how to communicate with someone with hearing loss over the phone
Self-Auditory Rehabilitation Materials | Cochlear
Many factors affect hearing loss, so we at Cochlear™ have customized training programs for patients to get the most from our products. Get started!