Speech to Text Services: An Overview of Real-Time Captioning | pepnet 2
PEPnet description here.
CART Articles - Membership Tools - NCRA
Variety of resources discussing the benefits of CART and how to find a CART provider
:: Turner Reporting - Captioning ::
Captioning provider across a variety of venues, including live theater
Hub for requesting and providing captioning services
CCAC Advocacy | Collaborative for Communication Access via Captioning
Great place to learn about captioning advocacy and get involved
CART For Consumers - Membership Tools - NCRA
General information
Caption First: CART: Communication Access Realtime Translation
Caption First Home Page
ACS - CART, Captioning and Text Interpreting Services
Providing CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation), Captioning and Text Interpreting (TypeWell) services to deaf and hard-of-hearing.