Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) children need to master at least one language (spoken or signed) to reach their full potential. Providing access to a natural sign language supports this goal. Despite evidence that natural sign languages are beneficial to DHH children, many researchers and practitioners advise families to focus exclusively on spoken language. We critique the Pediatrics article ‘Early Sign Language Exposure and Cochlear Implants’ (Geers et al., 2017) as an example of research that makes unsupported claims against the inclusion of natural sign languages. We refute claims that (...
Laws Impacting Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
This Info to Go document, developed at the Clerc Center, addresses the various laws impacting students who are deaf or hard of hearing, including the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
A complete resource site advocating the use of classroom Sound Enhancement Systems for overcoming poor classroom acoustics and the immature auditory capabilities of all children
Welcome to the Hearing First Community, where LSL professionals and families gather to connect, learn, and grow together to help power the potential of children with hearing loss everywhere.
There are an incredible number of free sites where you can create and study flashcards online. In reviewing many of them, I looked at this criteria: * Is it available free-of-charge? * Is it easy t…
Ling Six SoundsIT-MAIS (Infant Toddler - Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale)Clinical Red FlagsTracking Auditory ProgressBilingual Family InterviewSounds of SpeechAuSPLan SupplementLoudness Scale
Sheet1 Apps for Students with Autism, Apps for Students with Cognitive Delays, Apps for Students with Disabilities( of any kind), Apps for Communication& Language, Math Apps for Elem. Students, Reading Apps for Elem. Students, Fine Motor, Writing, Spelling Apps for Elem. Students, Science/ Soci...
NACD iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Apps for (Special) Education - Special Needs Apps for Kids (
The National Association for Child Development (NACD) has found their caseload to benefit greatly from the use of the iPad and its various applications. This list was donated by one of their clients that works for Apple.