Supporting Success For Children With Hearing Loss | Update - Teacher Inservice Time
Language and communication focused ie ps for learners who are deaf or hard of hearing discussion guide tcm1063 154134
Examples of iep goals common core stds
Developing IEP Goals for Students with Hearing Loss
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Handy Handouts - FREE educational handouts for teachers and parents
Super Duper® Publications Handy Handouts® are free, online educational handouts on a variety of special needs and educational topics.
Listening Inventory For Education – Revised (LIFE-R)
Questionnaire that can be used for pre- and post-trial use of assistive technology. There is a student questionnaire and a teacher questionnaire.
Enhanced Classroom Hearing - Home Page
A complete resource site advocating the use of classroom Sound Enhancement Systems for overcoming poor classroom acoustics and the immature auditory capabilities of all children
Community Sign In
Welcome to the Hearing First Community, where LSL professionals and families gather to connect, learn, and grow together to help power the potential of children with hearing loss everywhere.
Audiology; Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education - Iowa Department of Education
In addition to the essential skills and concepts of the Iowa Core, students who are deaf or hard of hearing have specialized needs not covered in the general education curriculum. The purpose of the Expanded Core Curriculum for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (ECC-DHH) is to be a resource for IFSP and IEP team members when developing educational plans for a student who is deaf or hard or hearing. This tool is designed for teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing and education audiologists to address these identified areas that are either not taught or require specific and...
Midwest Gallaudet University Regional Center
These are the resources we can share: •Workshops and training events •Help with technology •Extension courses
Illinois Supervisors of Programs for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals
Welcome to the website for supervisors of educational programs in Illinois that serve students who are Deaf or hard of hearing. We promote quality educational programming and social experiences for our students. ISHI deals with local, statewide, and national issues which affect our students. Our members come from all over the state and represent both small and large school districts.
Babies with iPads
Blog about working with children who are Deaf-Blind
Julian Treasure: Why architects need to use their ears | Video on
Fantastic talk about the importance of looking at acoustics when designing spaces like schools and hospitals
ISSUU - Deaf Teens in Southern California by California School for the Deaf, Riverside
So many great stories!
Free Certificates -
Nice site for generating a variety of certificates
Free Online Puzzle Maker
Free instant online crossword puzzle maker--quickly make crossword puzzles using your words!