Alarm clock that can listen for fire alarm
Raising Deaf Kids
A world of information about deafness and children with hearing loss
Safe Programme - Home
To access the information, you need to purchase a license. It looks like it has great information!
Deaf children and road safety | KidsAudiologist
deaf, CI and HA safety issues -
Discussion thread about safety (sometimes off topic but has good info)
Order form for "Safe - Personal safety skills for deaf children"
This is for a product from the UK
SPEAK UP LIBRARIAN: Deaf Child Area Signs
Interesting blog post and discussion thread about these (apparently) controversial signs
Hands & Voices :: Articles
Another interesting article looking at the topic of "Deaf Child Area" signs
Teaching your deaf child to be safe - St. Louis Hearing Loss & Parenting |
Short article with good tips
Hands & Voices :: Observe, Understand and Respond: the O.U.R. Children's Safety Project
Hands & Voices :: Articles (Safety Patrol: A Fifth Grader, His Mom, and a Lesson in Advocacy)
Hands & Voices :: Child Abuse & Neglect
Hands & Voices is a parent driven, non-profit organization dedicated to providing unbiased support to families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing
Smoke alarms for hard of hearing --- Loudenlow - 520 Hertz Smoke Alarm for hard of hearing people (HOH) with high frequency hearing loss. (Hear it online with your computer ) Low frequency smoke detector. Normal alarms can't be heard by many seniors. Som