Today there are thousands of apps and devices to help users with visual, auditory, physical or cognitive limitations. We've compiled these helpful tips and links to use as a starting point. If you are deaf or hearing-impaired: Use the following keywords to locate apps in iTunes or Google Play:
Sprint Accessibility offers communication products and services to reduce or eliminate communication barriers for customers who are Deaf, DeafBlind, have a hearing or vision loss, and cognitive, speech or mobility disabilities.
Project Endeavor is a program of CSD, funded by a two year contract with the National Telecommunications Administration (NTIA) as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). This program focuses on providing deaf and hard of hearing Americans with access to broadband or high speed internet through discounted internet service plans and internet devices. Project Endeavor also provides an array of training materials and educational resources for deaf and hard of hearing people.