Tips for Distance Learning with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
Tips for Distance Learning with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students *This was created for teachers that teach hearing students but have oral deaf students in their class as well. Most of these tips will also apply to students who communicate using sign language. Setting up: SOUND: Use a micropho...
COVID-19 and the Deaf/Hard-of Hearing Community — Chad Ruffin, MD
The Deaf and hard of hearing are at increased risk of complications from COVID-19. This risk will be increased in the busy healthcare setting of a pandemic. Read more to understand how to prepare ahead.
Educational Resources TABS ,Let's CROWDSOURCE! List COMMONLY USED GEN ED educational sites and apps that we know ARE ACCESSIBLE for students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing Website/App,Accessible Features (CC, ASL, Bilingual),Grade Range,Free/Paid