Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing
C2 hear online
The C2Hear interactive multimedia videos improve the lives of new hearing-aid users. Research funded by the UK’s National Institute for Health Research created C2Hear. This comprises videos, animations, photos, and patient testimonials to provide valuable advice and information to help new hearing aid users to better use their hearing aids.
(6) Boom Cards 101 - How to Get Started on Boom Learning - YouTube
I made this to help educators and parents who want to try Boom Cards. With everything going on at the moment, a digital classroom is helping so much with distance learning, and Boom Cards is something that you definitely want to explore. They are self-checking digital task cards, and you can create a virtual classroom and can assign cards to your students and monitor their progress. I hope this video helps, and if you'd like to skip to certain parts, here are the time stamps for you: 1:18 Signing up 1:48 Creating a profile 2:22 Adding students 3:03 Setting usernames and passwords 3:23 Getti...
NAL Mask Adjustments
To overcome the effect of face masks for hearing aid users Wearing a face mask during conversation has become commonplace to deter the spread of the COVID-19. Face masks, however, attenuate the high frequencies of the speech of the person wearing the mask. This presents a challenging problem for the hearing-impaired community for whom the […]
Working Effectively with Audiology Students Who Are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Tips for Clinical Preceptors | Audiology
It may seem obvious that a partnership between preceptor and student is necessary for the student’s development of strategies and clinical independence, however knowing where to begin can be
Closed Captions: editing, changing the language, and disabling – Flipgrid Help Center
Flipgrid works to ensure all students' voices can be part of the discussion, regardless of how they share their voice. An important feature for video accessibility is closed captions. Flipgrid auto...