Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

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Distance Learning with a student with hearing loss #distancelearning #hearingloss #TODHH
Barriers for Deaf & Hard of Hearing During COVID-19
Barriers for Deaf & Hard of Hearing During COVID-19
Communicating while wearing a face covering can be difficult for the deaf or hard of hearing. Take a moment to learn some tips that can help you and anyone you meet who faces these challenges. For more information and resources in a variety of languages, please visit #OCCOVID19 #deaf #hardofhearing
Barriers for Deaf & Hard of Hearing During COVID-19
How do I add captions to media in Canvas Studio?
How do I add captions to media in Canvas Studio?
You can generate or upload caption files to a video or audio files that you can edit in Canvas Studio. The most common file type is an SRT file, though Studio also supports VTT files, which are more user-friendly for mobile devices. If you need help creating a captioned file, you can use a captionin...
How do I add captions to media in Canvas Studio?
Acoustic effects of medical, cloth, and transparent face masks on speech signals
Acoustic effects of medical, cloth, and transparent face masks on speech signals
Face masks muffle speech and make communication more difficult, especially for people with hearing loss. This study examines the acoustic attenuation caused by different face masks, including medical, cloth, and transparent masks, using a head-shaped loudspeaker and a live human talker. The results suggest that all masks attenuate frequencies above 1 kHz, that attenuation is greatest in front of the talker, and that there is substantial variation between mask types, especially cloth masks with different materials and weaves. Transparent masks have poor acoustic performance compared to both medical and cloth masks. Most masks have little effect on lapel microphones, suggesting that existing sound reinforcement and assistive listening systems
Acoustic effects of medical, cloth, and transparent face masks on speech signals