Step-by-step guide on how to move your Zoom Recording videos from Zoom to your Google Drive. Instructions & Screenshots:
A children's guide to Coronavirus, presented in ASL by USD ASL/English Specialist, Sandy Scott. This video is for Deaf elementary kids to give them informati...
Accessibility Tips for a Better Zoom/Virtual Meeting Experience - Deaf/Hard of Hearing Technology Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Tips for addressing needs of deaf and hard of hearing participants in virtual workplace meetings. This includes meetings with all-sign language users, or a mix of sign language users and audio users with sign language interpreter support.
COVID-19 prevention tips presented in American Sign Language Comments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy:
Patients/Providers - Hearing Loss Association of America
Guide for Effective Communication in Health Care The Guide for Effective Communication in Health Care was created for patients, families, caregivers, all members of the health care team, administrators, and support staff. It provides information, resources, and tools to help improve communication i…
Teachers, Feel free to use and share. File---> Make a copy and it’s yours to edit, adjust to your needs, etc. Don’t worry about giving me credit. Just use the resources responsibly. Happy teaching and learning! --Jenna Jenna Reeh Instructional Technology Facilitator Papillion LaVista Community Sc...
Zoom/Google Hangouts Online Class: Rules and Etiquette for Distance Learning
Many of us are quarantined due to the coronavirus. I've begun using Zoom to complete online classes with my students. I felt the need to make a list of rules for them to abide by because, well, the first few days were a bit chaotic! #distancelearningtptI also included one for Google Hangouts and a B...
Expanded Skills Lesson Plan Title: Troubleshoot Hearing Assistive Technology (HAT) This document was generated through RMTC-D/HH Standard: SP.PK12.DH.3.4: Maintain (clean, care for, and troubleshoot) own hearing aids, cochlear implants, and/or FM equipment with assistance. Brief description...
Can watching video with closed captions turned on improve literacy? In short, yes. In recent years, researchers have made significant strides in understanding the connection between closed captions and literacy among students around the world. Studies in England, India, Finland, and other countries have shown that when teachers include videos with captions, students demonstrate a notable…
This is a labeling activity done in PowerPoint that is editable. The activity covers the basic parts of an audiogram. Pages can be printed and laminated or students can fill in the answers. Includes an answer key and a tracking page to document student mastery.
Public_COVID-19 Resources for Deaf Community (Updated 3.23.2020)
Comprenhensive List Medical Information Related,Where available?,Physical Location,Language,Accessibility Features Partners in Deaf Health,Facebook and IG,Rochester, NY,ASL video,English transcript
As I write this post, I am on Day 9 of social distancing and our entire state was recently given a “stay at home” order due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All around the world, I’m wat…
Patient Provider Communication - Communication Is The Joint...
This site puts information about patient-provider communication in one place and invites healthcare providers, family members, patients, researchers, educators and policy makers to access and use...
ZOOM tutorial for ASL Interpreters (in English--captioned)
This is just a quick tutorial for all the ASL Interpreters figuring out how to provide access during the pandemic. This is just what's been working for me. P...
Zoom Tips for Educators Rae Fearing Del Norte County Office of Education @raefearing Ryan Bahten Del Norte County Office of Education @ryanssmooth Vic Schoonover Del Norte County Office of Education @vicschoonover
how to use LOOM and microsoft translate and google captions
Get your message across with instantly shareable videos for work. Capture your screen, record your front-facing camera, and narrate it all at once, then instantly share with a simple link.
Automated Captioning and Translation of Zoom Meetings and Other Livestream Platforms
Streamer makes it easy to caption and translate your livestream events. Perhaps you need to caption a Zoom meeting for work, or a Facebook Live event for a c...