Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

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Body worn hearing aid for those that can't use conventional hearing aids and don't want a cochlear implant
Resolve to support your spouse with hearing loss
Resolve to support your spouse with hearing loss
January, the month of resolutions, isn't over yet. If your spouse or partner has hearing loss, it's the perfect time to find out how you can support them and improve your relationship.
Resolve to support your spouse with hearing loss
Hands & Voices :: Articles
Hands & Voices :: Articles
Hands & Voices is a parent driven, non-profit organization dedicated to providing unbiased support to families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing
Hands & Voices :: Articles
The Smart Princess and Other Deaf Tales: Keelin Carey, Kristina Guevremont, Nicole Marsh: 9781896764900: Books
The Smart Princess and Other Deaf Tales: Keelin Carey, Kristina Guevremont, Nicole Marsh: 9781896764900: Books
The Smart Princess and Other Deaf Tales [Keelin Carey, Kristina Guevremont, Nicole Marsh] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A unique and much-needed collection, The Smart Princess takes readers inside the fantasies, dreams and disappointments of young people who are deaf. This book is written and illustrated by winners of the Ladder Awards
The Smart Princess and Other Deaf Tales: Keelin Carey, Kristina Guevremont, Nicole Marsh: 9781896764900: Books