Minnesota Social Skills Checklist (pre-K through High School)

Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Parenting Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children - Social Immaturity in Deaf Children
Hearing teachers that find they have deaf children in their classes often need advice. These tips are from my own experience.
Social and emotional develompent of deaf children and adolescents
Deaf Adolescents: Finding a Place to Belong
Life is Bliss - Lily's Cochlear Implant Journey
Flash cards, vocabulary memorization, and study games | Quizlet
Quizlet makes simple learning tools that let you study anything. Start learning today with flashcards, games and learning tools — all for free.
Visual Phonics Presentations
Has video clips of students using visual phonics
Dr. Bill Vicars' American Sign Language (ASL) Fingerspelling Practice Site
Free American Sign Language (ASL) Fingerspelling Practice Site
Deaf.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Functional hearing loss ranges from mild to profound. Often, people who have very little or no functional hearing refer to themselves as "deaf." Those with milder hearing loss may label themselves as "hard of hearing." When these two groups are combined, they are often referred to as individuals with "hearing impairments,” with "hearing loss,” or who are "hearing impaired.” When referring to the Deaf culture, "Deaf" is capitalized.
mainst_cal.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Netflix - Unlimited TV Shows & Movies Online
Searchable, sortable list of available captioned media as well as link to devices that support captioning
Children's Cochlear Implant Clothing - CI Harness Alternative
Harnesses and pouches for young CI recipients
Cochlear Implant: Pouches for the BTE
Examples of different ways to wear your CI in a pouch
Ear Gear
Hearing Aid Safety Device to Cover, Protect, & Prevent Loss - for HAs and CIs
Dry & Store :: Better Hearing through Better Hearing Aid Care.
Product site - available from a variety of vendors
Parent Center Listing - Parent Center Network
National listing for all Parent Technical Assistance Centers
OticonUSA's Channel - YouTube
Oticon's YouTube Channel
Mind the Gap
Fantastic article and resources (including a curriculum) on working with teens with hearing loss
Time Out! I Didn't Hear You
This resource provides the student, parent, coach, athletic director, principal, school-board member and educational audiologist with all the information needed to make athletics accessible in the most cost-effective, comfortableway.
Illinois Hands & Voices
Illinois Families for Hands & Voices is a parent-driven, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting families that have children who are deaf and hard-of-hearing without a bias toward communication modes or methodologies. We want to provide Illinois families with the necessary resources, networking, and information in order to improve communication access and educational outcomes for their children. Our statewide activities, advocacy efforts, and parent/professional collaboration are all focused on enabling our deaf and hard-of-hearing children to reach their fullest potential!
CHOICES · Choices for Parents
CHOICES for Parents is a statewide coalition of parents and professionals ensuring that children with identified hearing loss and their families receive the necessary resources, advocacy, information, services and support. CHOICES for Parents is committed to providing unbiased information.
INCIL Home Page
The Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living, the statewide association representing the 23 Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in Illinois. INCIL is an authoritative source of information about the accomplishments and needs of Illinois CILs and about issues most critical to promote independent living for all persons with disabilities
Division of Specialized Care for Children
Established in 1937, and administered by the University of Illinois at Chicago, the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) is the Illinois Title V agency that provides care coordination for families and children with special health care needs. DSCC, governed by Administrative Rules, helps children with disabilities, and those who have conditions which may lead to disabilities, grow and develop to the full extent of their abilities.
Illinois All Kids: Healthcare for All Kids
The All Kids program offers many Illinois children comprehensive healthcare that includes doctors visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, vision care, dental care and medical devices like eyeglasses and asthma inhalers. Some families pay monthly premiums for the coverage, but rates for middle-income families are significantly lower than they are on the private market. For instance, a family of four that earns between $45,000 and $67,000 a year pays a $40 monthly premium per child, and a $10 co-pay per physician visit.
Illinois Sound Beginnings
The purpose of this website is to provide information that will be of interest and benefit to families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. From this site, families may connect with the resources and information necessary to make informed decisions for their children.
Illinois Academy of Audiology
Our mission is to promote audiology as the primary profession in Illinois for the delivery of hearing and balance care and to facilitate our members’ abilities to identify, diagnose, treat, and prevent hearing and balance disorders through professional education, public awareness, and research initiatives.
Illinois Speech Language Hearing Association
Founded in 1960, the Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ISHA) is a non-profit organization representing 4,000 licensed professionals with advanced degrees in speech-language pathology and audiology. Reflecting the cultural diversity of our state, ISHA represents professionals sensitive to the diverse needs of all consumers.
llinois Service Resource Center
The Illinois Service Resource Center provides behavior support for students who are deaf or hard of hearing in Illinois. Behavior support can be for individual students with challenges, or at the preventive level with classrooms or school programs. ISRC serves students with hearing loss regardless of communication mode.
Illinois Association of the Deaf
IAD strives to promote advancement of the social, educational, and economic well-being of the deaf and hard of hearing citizens of Illinois.