Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

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City of Chicago : Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities
City of Chicago : Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities
MOPD promotes total access, full participation and equal opportunity for people with disabilities of all ages in all aspects of life. It seeks to accomplish this mission through a multi-faceted approach that includes systemic change, education and training, advocacy and direct services.
City of Chicago : Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities
Equip for Equality · Advancing the Human & Civil Rights of People with Disabilities in Illinois
Equip for Equality · Advancing the Human & Civil Rights of People with Disabilities in Illinois
Find answers to a variety of disability related concerns, including information on how to seek individual assistance with disability-related rights issues, information on legislation and public policy that impacts the disability community, training to help you advocate for your own disability rights in a variety of circumstances, and information on ensuring that people with disabilities remain safe in the wide variety of settings where they live and work.
Equip for Equality · Advancing the Human & Civil Rights of People with Disabilities in Illinois
Proud Geek
Proud Geek
Information on how deaf-access-orize iOS 5
Proud Geek
Audiology; Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education - Iowa Department of Education
Audiology; Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education - Iowa Department of Education
In addition to the essential skills and concepts of the Iowa Core, students who are deaf or hard of hearing have specialized needs not covered in the general education curriculum. The purpose of the Expanded Core Curriculum for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (ECC-DHH) is to be a resource for IFSP and IEP team members when developing educational plans for a student who is deaf or hard or hearing. This tool is designed for teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing and education audiologists to address these identified areas that are either not taught or require specific and...
Audiology; Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education - Iowa Department of Education
Audiology Net - Audiology Information for the Masses
Audiology Net - Audiology Information for the Masses
Audiology Net is an audiology and hearing healthcare informational web site for patients, students, and healthcare providers. Information on hearing aids, ear mechanics, anatomy and pathology.
Audiology Net - Audiology Information for the Masses
Physics | Cochlea
Physics | Cochlea
Audition : généralités, audition santé, audition prévention conseil, prothèse auditive, appareils auditifs, aide auditive, perte audition, audition infos, surdité, acouphènes, perception auditive, sons
Physics | Cochlea