Famous Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Famous Deaf and Hard of Hearing People - Game Information
This is a quiz called Famous Deaf and Hard of Hearing People and was created by member makropulos
Deaf and Music - Deaf People Learning Music - Deaf Musicians
Musicians are at an increased risk of hearing loss and tinnitus if they do not use hearing protection.
10 Famous Musicians With Hearing Damage - Listverse
Music can be plaintive, peaceful, bitter, aggressive---but most of all it can be loud. Very, very loud. Think about the best concert you ever attended. The music was delightful and immersing, but on the way back home you couldn't manage to get that ringing out of your ears. Now imagine the stress performance places on the musicians themselves, wailing away every night for legions of adoring fans, all the while standing next to mammoth speakers blaring for hours at a time. Yup, it can get loud out there, which can cause significant hearing damage over time for the performers. Yet
Famous Deaf People
Deaf Athletes
Some famous hard of hearing people - Deafness
famous hard of hearing people, famous deaf people, famous deaf musicians, famous deaf politicians - Some famous hard of hearing people - Deafness at BellaOnline
Amazon.com: The Passionate Lives of Deaf and Hard of Hearing People eBook: Karen Putz: Kindle Store
Great book! I'm Chapter 20. :)
iCanConnect.org | The National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program
iCanConnect.org lets those with hearing/vision loss know about access to telecommunications thru the National Deafblind Equipment Distribution Program
Angel Sound - Interactive Listening Rehabilitation and Functional Hearing Test Program
Angel Sound is a PC-based interactive listening rehabilitation program developed by TigerSpeech Technology and freely distributed by Emily Shannon Fu Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring Emily Fu, our angel and beloved daughter. Emily help us to realize that while life on earth may be temporary, love is forever, and helping others is life¡¯s true meaning.
Insurance Coverage for CI Surgery and Upgrades* « Cochlear Implant Online
Great tips if you're looking at navigating the insurance maze...
8 Great Headphones for children with Autism | Friendship Circle -- Special Needs Blog
Children with Autism or Auditory Processing Disorder often have a hard time with noise. Background noise is a constant nuisance and causes major difficulty when it comes to processing information and sorting the important from the unimportant. It is for this reason that noise reducing headphones or earmuffs can come in very handy in loud spaces. Headphones can lower the overall decibel rate of background noise while still allowing your child to hear someone speaking to them. Where you will need Headphones Some examples of where your child may need headphones are: School Cafeteria The Mall C...
ISSUU - Deaf Teens in Southern California by California School for the Deaf, Riverside
So many great stories!
Explore | Assistive Technology .TV
FX(外国為替取引)とは? 初心者でも勝てるように、分かりやすくFXを解説しています。分かり易いマンガや解説記事で初めての方でも安心です。
CSUN Students Turn Challenge into App to Help Deaf and Hard of Hearing | CSUN Today
Thank You Teachers!
Hear Gear | technology to help you hear
Nice blog with explanations about different types of Assistive Technology
Caps specially made & designed for hearing by AnchorYourHearing
Pilot caps with mesh cloth so that sounds are not blocked
Bebop Shop by thebebopshop on Etsy
Browse unique items from thebebopshop on Etsy, a global marketplace of handmade, vintage and creative goods.
PuppetEARS puppets with hearing aids and by FromThereToHEAR
CUTE! Puppets with hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant(s)
Hayleigh's Cherished Charms by HayleighsCharms on Etsy
Browse unique items from HayleighsCharms on Etsy, a global marketplace of handmade, vintage and creative goods.
▶ Fire Safety for Families With Children Who Are Visually Or Hearing Impaired - Meet The Davis Family - YouTube
Kid-friendly video talking about preparation in case of an emergency
Smoke Alarms for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (document)
Safety tips in a printable PDF
▶ Fire Alarms For Deaf - YouTube
Short video showing what a smoke alarm with strobe looks like
Notification Systems | Hearing Impaired Signalers - Sonic Alert, Silent Call, Ultratec Assistive and Hearing Aids Products - Deaf, Hearing Loss, Sign Language
Overview of systems such as fire alarms, smoke detectors, etc.
Alarm clock that can listen for fire alarm
ASL Online Courses Flyer
FREE course that you can take online that is interactive and uses your webcam
Raising Deaf Kids
A world of information about deafness and children with hearing loss
Safe Programme - Home
To access the information, you need to purchase a license. It looks like it has great information!
Deaf children and road safety | KidsAudiologist