Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing

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El Deafo | A Mighty Girl
El Deafo | A Mighty Girl
Going to school and making new friends can be tough. But going to school and making new friends while wearing a bulky hearing aid strapped to your chest? That requires superpowers! In this funny, poignant graphic novel memoir, author/illustrator Cece Bell chronicles her hearing loss at a young age and her subsequent experiences with the Phonic Ear, a very powerful -- and very awkward -- hearing aid.The Phonic Ear gives Cece the ability to hear -- sometimes things she shouldn't -- but also isolates her from her classmates. She really just wants to fit in and find a true friend, someone who a...
El Deafo | A Mighty Girl
Popular Deaf Characters Books
Popular Deaf Characters Books
Books shelved as deaf-characters: Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John, Whisper by Chrissie Keighery, Feathers by Jacqueline Woodson, Train Go Sorry: Insi...
Popular Deaf Characters Books
Deaf Book Lists
Deaf Book Lists
Lists about: Deaf, Mute, Speechless Romance Heroes and Heroines, Blind/Deaf/Mute, Heroes and Heroines with disabilities, Disability-positive stories, Chi...
Deaf Book Lists
Free Sound Effects |
Free Sound Effects | has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Sounds are updated 3x a week or...
Free Sound Effects |
Goodman Theatre - Accessibility
Goodman Theatre - Accessibility
Goodman Theatre is committed to making the work on our stages accessible to all. Our list of services include: electronic doors, elevators, restrooms, accessible seating, sign interpreted performances, and assistive listening devices.
Goodman Theatre - Accessibility