Centro líder para el diagnóstico y educación de niños pequeños con pérdida auditiva

Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing
CDC en Español - Especiales CDC - Pérdida auditiva: Historia de una mujer
Evaluación auditiva: Importante para el desarrollo de su bebé - Especiales CDC - CDC en Español
A todos los bebés se les debe hacer la prueba inicial de la audición antes de que cumplan un mes y visitar un especialista antes de los tres meses de edad si no pasaron la prueba inicial.
Phonak México : Soluciones auditivas en México - Phonak México : Soluciones auditivas en México
Loss and Found (Spanish): Following Through When a Baby Doesn't Pass the Newborn Hearing Screening - YouTube
Free Materials | Hearing Loss | NCBDDD | CDC
The mission of CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) is to save babies by studying and addressing the causes of birth defects; help children reach their potential by understanding developmental disabilities; reduce complications of blood disorders; and improve the health of people living with disabilities.
Patient Information Handouts - Audiology Information Series
Relationship of Hearing Loss to Listening and Learning Needs
Based on the work of Karen Anderson, this fantastic resource outlines how different degrees and configurations of hearing loss affect a variety of areas, not just auditory
NCHAM: Culturally Competent Family Support for Families Who Have a Deaf or Hard of Hearing Child
Family Sign Language Companion Guide (Spanish) - Products for Hearing Loss at Harris Communications with Free Shipping and Returns
Guide for Spanish-speaking families who want to learn American Sign Language
For Parents [Noisy Planet]
Learn about how to protect your and your child's hearing
¡Bienvenidos al Knowledge Center en español! | Listening and Spoken Language Knowledge Center | AGBell
Wealth of information from AG Bell regarding Listening and Spoken Language
Illinois Manos y Voces / En Español
Illinois Hands & Voices facebook page for Spanish-speaking families
Mi Band – Inexpensive Vibrating Alarm and More | cochlear implant HELP
Silent Vibrating Alarm Watch @ Sharper Image
Bed Mat Transmitter
This device will sense if there is no weight on it... helpful for deaf parents of young children who wander. Can also be used by deaf caregivers of older parents who may wander (e.g., dementia, Alzheimer's)
Celebrities, Famous People With Hearing Loss - Hard of Hearing - AARP Everywh...
These hard of hearing celebrities and the causes of their hearing problems may surprise you.
Deaf Apps » Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Center, Inc.
** DHHSC does not endorse any of the apps below and are providing this as an informal guide as to what is available to Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. If there are any good apps not listed here, plea
Hearing Loss in the Classroom - YouTube
An informative video portraying the potential consequences of unmanaged hearing loss in the classroom, produced by the St. John's Medical Center's Pediatric ...
Establishing a sound foundation for children who are deaf or hard of hearing: Karl White at TEDxUSU - YouTube
How Sound Works (In Rooms) - YouTube
Great demo and discussion about using absorbers and diffusers!
A Crash Course in Classroom Acoustics
Everything You Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask Where to begin! Evaluating a classroom or for that matter any other space, need not be as intimidating as most people would suspect, but a few hints and guidelines won’t hurt. If poor acoustics and excessive background noise in the classroom can interfere with speech …
Improving Classroom Acoustics - Before and after - YouTube
Short and sweet video showing the effects of classroom acoustic modification on reverberation time
Success For Kids With Hearing Loss Classroom Acoustics - Impact on Listening and Learning » Success For Kids With Hearing Loss
Click here for information on understanding classroom acoustic principles and the ANSI Standard S12.60 for Classroom Acoustics NOISY CLASSROOMS A 10 minute Classroom Noise file (mpeg) is provided for your use when administering the Functional Listening Evaluation, working with students on listening in noise or when demonstrating listening in noise challenges. Apps for signaling classroom noise …
Enhanced Classroom Hearing - Poor Acoustics
Classroom Acoustics Boooklet
Good to have in print form, too. Ordering information is on website.
Classroom Acoustics Resources
Classroom Acoustics resources, including ASHA Practice Policy documents, journal articles and ASHA Leader articles.
Classroom Acoustics - United States Access Board
Information about rulemaking
Student and Teacher Activities [NIDCD Health Information]
Education Campaigns NIDCD's Noisy Planet Campaign—Protecting Kids' Hearing Online Activities Listen Up! Infographic Videos What Is Sound?—Explains the physical properties of sound.
Lesson Plans & Classroom Activities
Curriculums for kids about noise-induced hearing loss