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Links related to Deaf/Hard of Hearing
ASL Training Resources for Parents and Educators
IAD members are invited to join their local IAD chapter. Chapters are responsible for local advocacy and support the overall IAD mission and vision on a local level. Each chapter appoints a chapter…
Homepage - HLAA Chicago, Lincoln Park Chapter
Hard of hearing | HLAAChicagoNorthShore
The HLAA Chicago North Shore Chapter assists people with hearing loss in the Chicago and North Shore suburbs by providing information, education, support and advocacy.
Global Alliance of Speech-to-Text Captioning - Home
(1) Facebook
Jewish Deaf Congress. 1,829 likes · 172 talking about this. The Jewish Deaf Congress, Inc., today is a vibrant organization, serving persons who are Jewish and Deaf primarily in North America.
Global Deaf Muslim USA - homepage
GDM USA is a non profit organization established to address the rights and needs of Deaf Muslims across the global ummah.
National Catholic Office for the Deaf
Episcopal Conference of the Deaf
ECD is the Episcopal Deaf ministry of The Episcopal Church. We are a group of people - Deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing family and friends - who worship God together in the Episcopal tradition.
Helen Keller National Center
Providing comprehensive vocational and rehabilitation services to DeafBlind individuals. Training for participants with combined hearing and vision loss.
Deaf Queer Resource Center | Serving the Deaf LGBTQI Communities
Welcome to Sacred Circle - Home
National Black Deaf Advocates
Home | Council De Manos
The term "People of Color" (PoC) includes all non-white people and refers to the collective experience of systemic racism.
Where can I find more information about diverse deaf people?
The deaf communities are widely diverse with people from different races, ethnicities, cultures, languages, and religions. The list below of deaf organizations (while not exhaustive) focuses on a variety of identities within the deaf communities for you to connect with and learn more about their lives and perspectives. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC): Deaf Women of Color, Council […]
Native American Deaf Culture Groups
Find groups for the propogation of the Native American deaf culture.
Deaf Women United – Deaf Women United
Just another WordPress site
Hearing loss peer support online: find friends with hearing loss world wide
The SayWhatClub offers online hearing loss peer support to people who have lost their hearing. Join us to find friends with hearing loss!
Alumni Relations | Gallaudet University
The Office of Alumni Relations serves as a liaison between Gallaudet University and its over twenty-three thousand alumni. The strength and dedication of
Deaf Seniors of America, Inc. - Together We Build Up Our Community
The Deaf Seniors of America, Inc. is a membership and advocacy organization. We publish the New Horizons quarterly newsletter and host the biannual DSA conference.
Deaf in Government (DIG) - Home
The American Association of the Deaf-Blind (AADB)
The American Association of the Deaf-Blind (AADB) is a national organization, representing of, by and for the Deaf-Blind community and others with a combine of both hearing and severe vision losses.
Hearing Loss Support Groups
The complete guide to hearing loss support groups.
End your Isolation – Join a Hearing Loss Support Group
Most if not all states have their own agencies or commissions on deafness and the hard of hearing that provide leadership, advocacy and education and can lead you to multiple resources often just a phone call, text, or email away.
Center for Sight & Hearing - Social & Support Groups
Welcome to Center for Sight & Hearing