

Preparing for take-off: Are you ready for the academic year ahead?
Preparing for take-off: Are you ready for the academic year ahead?
"The start of the new academic year is upon us again. This can be quite stressful and daunting with so many competing tasks: preparing lectures and practical sessions, meeting and getting to know new groups of students, administrative requirements, dealing with student issues and requests, etc. The last two academic years in particular have brought with them additional challenges due to the need to rapidly respond and adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, before jumping into the hustle and bustle of a new academic year, it makes sense to first try and look at examining and adapting practices that could lessen the challenges ahead. This workshop provided some hints and tips on how best to prepare for the academic year ahead to alleviate some of the regular stresses and strains."
Preparing for take-off: Are you ready for the academic year ahead?