Professional Development

Professional Development

MA in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education Information Session
MA in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education Information Session
Do you wonder if there are better ways of going about your teaching and/or assessment practices? Perhaps you would like to learn more about current thinking and best practice in teaching, learning, technology and assessment in higher education? Maybe you are interested in gaining a Level 9 qualification in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education? If so, you might consider participating in the MA in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education that is offered by the Teaching and Learning Unit. In Semester 1 2023/24, the TLU will be offering the following modules which may be of interest to you: EDUC9043: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education EDUC9046: Curriculum Design & Evaluation EDUC9050: Mentoring in HE EDUC9016: Education Research Proposal This information session provided an overview and introduction to the programme, more detailed information about the programme itself including options to step off with a Level 9 Certificate or Level 9 Postgraduate Diploma and will explain how to apply.
MA in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education Information Session
EAT-PD Information Session
EAT-PD Information Session
"The TLU have developed a CPD programme entitled EAT-PD: Enabling Academic Transitions through Professional Development Programme, aimed at new and early career academic staff, i.e., staff that have been teaching full-time for three years or less (or some equivalent). This programme enables staff relatively new to teaching to develop their competencies in the classroom. The focus of this programme is to expose staff to a range of research-based teaching strategies that can be used to enhance lectures and support learning. The purpose of this session was to provide more information about the programme, including more details about the programme itself as well as information on how to apply."
EAT-PD Information Session
How Learning Communities are benefiting staff and students across MTU
How Learning Communities are benefiting staff and students across MTU
"Since 2019 the TLU have launched and supported over 40 learning communities across MTU. During this session we heard from Learning Community members about who they are, what inspired them to start/join a Learning Community, what they have achieved and how others might initiate or join an existing learning community. Professor Jim O’ Mahony also spoke about how funding can be awarded and used effectively to transform teaching and learning both within and across disciplines."
How Learning Communities are benefiting staff and students across MTU
Advance HE Teaching and Learning Fellowships Information Webinar
Advance HE Teaching and Learning Fellowships Information Webinar
As part of MTU’s commitment to excel in teaching, research and development work, for the benefit of staff, students, industry and the wider community, MTU is offering staff the opportunity for professional recognition of their teaching practice and leadership.
Advance HE Teaching and Learning Fellowships Information Webinar
Advance HE Teaching and Learning Fellowships Information Webinar
Advance HE Teaching and Learning Fellowships Information Webinar
As part of MTU’s commitment to excel in teaching, research and development work, for the benefit of staff, students, industry and the wider community, MTU is offering staff the opportunity for professional recognition of their teaching practice and leadership.
Advance HE Teaching and Learning Fellowships Information Webinar
Advance HE Teaching and Learning Fellowships Information
Advance HE Teaching and Learning Fellowships Information
As part of MTU’s commitment to excel in teaching, research and development work, for the benefit of staff, students, industry and the wider community, MTU is offering staff the opportunity for professional recognition of their teaching practice and leadership.
Advance HE Teaching and Learning Fellowships Information
Learning Communities 2022: Update on established and emerging LCs in MTU
Learning Communities 2022: Update on established and emerging LCs in MTU
"Learning communities provide a space and a structure for people to align around a shared goal. Effective communities are both aspirational and practical. They connect people, organisations, and systems that are eager to learn and work across boundaries, all the while holding members accountable to a common agenda, metrics, and outcomes. These communities enable participants to share results and learn from each other, thereby improving their ability to achieve rapid yet significant progress. Over the last three years, the TLU have initiated and supported over 30 learning communities across MTU. This seminar provided a short update from each of our learning communities which highlighted their successes and challenges. The session was also useful to those wishing to learn more about the benefits of initiating or joining learning communities in MTU."
Learning Communities 2022: Update on established and emerging LCs in MTU
Learning Communities 2022: Update on established and emerging LCs in MTU
Learning Communities 2022: Update on established and emerging LCs in MTU
"Learning communities provide a space and a structure for people to align around a shared goal. Effective communities are both aspirational and practical. They connect people, organisations, and systems that are eager to learn and work across boundaries, all the while holding members accountable to a common agenda, metrics, and outcomes. These communities enable participants to share results and learn from each other, thereby improving their ability to achieve rapid yet significant progress. Over the last three years, the TLU have initiated and supported over 30 learning communities across MTU. This seminar provided a short update from each of our learning communities which highlighted their successes and challenges. The session was also useful to those wishing to learn more about the benefits of initiating or joining learning communities in MTU."
Learning Communities 2022: Update on established and emerging LCs in MTU
Learning from our Learning Communities – a showcase of the 20+ Learning Communities in CIT
Learning from our Learning Communities – a showcase of the 20+ Learning Communities in CIT
"Learning communities serve many functions in education. They allow for the sharing of ideas, the standardisation of practices and the presentation of new solutions and insights. They can also enhance teamwork and collaboration, as well as reduce individual workloads within and across departments and schools. In the last 2 years the TLU have supported the creation and development of over 20 Learning Communities across MTU Cork. This session allowed them to share their experiences and gave those interested in developing their own LC an understanding of how the TLU can help support and fund their ideas."
Learning from our Learning Communities – a showcase of the 20+ Learning Communities in CIT
Learning from our Learning Communities – a showcase of the 20+ Learning Communities in CIT
Learning from our Learning Communities – a showcase of the 20+ Learning Communities in CIT
"Learning communities serve many functions in education. They allow for the sharing of ideas, the standardisation of practices and the presentation of new solutions and insights. They can also enhance teamwork and collaboration, as well as reduce individual workloads within and across departments and schools. In the last 2 years the TLU have supported the creation and development of over 20 Learning Communities across MTU Cork. This session allowed them to share their experiences and gave those interested in developing their own LC an understanding of how the TLU can help support and fund their ideas."
Learning from our Learning Communities – a showcase of the 20+ Learning Communities in CIT
QUestionaAiRes – Training In planning and Launching Effective Surveys (QUARTILES) Project, Department of Mathematics Learning Community funded by the TLU
QUestionaAiRes – Training In planning and Launching Effective Surveys (QUARTILES) Project, Department of Mathematics Learning Community funded by the TLU
"There is a prevalence of survey usage across third level Institutes. Surveys are sometimes regarded as an easy approach to obtaining opinions and measurements. However, it is easy to conduct a survey of poor quality rather than one of high quality and real value. This seminar will provide a checklist of good practice in the conduct and reporting of survey research. Its purpose is to assist the participants to produce survey work to a high standard, meaning a standard at which the results will be regarded as credible. The seminar will first provide an overview of the approach to questionnaire design and then guide the participants step-by-step through the processes of data collection, data analysis, and storage. The seminar is not intended to provide a manual of how to conduct a survey, but rather to identify common pitfalls and oversights to be avoided by researchers if their work is to be valid and credible. Anyone involved in collecting data from subjects has an ethical duty to respect each individual participant’s autonomy. All surveys should be conducted in an ethical manner and one that accords with best practice. Confidentiality with regard to all participant information should always be respected, with due care given in both the collection, recording, storage and destruction of data. The seminar will highlight the importance and role of ethics, research integrity and data storage in questionnaire design. This seminar was particularly relevant to academic staff, i.e. lecturers, supervisors and researchers, but was also relevant to professional management support staff. Participants attending this seminar gained insights into: The steps involved in designing a reliable questionnaire such as qualities of good questions, questionnaire length, question wording, order of questions, etc. The importance of a Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP) in questionnaire design. How meeting ethical standards ensures researchers act in good faith and protects the integrity of the resulting data. Processes to help us to be aware of, respect and protect the personal data collected."
QUestionaAiRes – Training In planning and Launching Effective Surveys (QUARTILES) Project, Department of Mathematics Learning Community funded by the TLU
REQUIRED - Research Ethics in QUestionnaIRE Design
REQUIRED - Research Ethics in QUestionnaIRE Design
"There is a prevalence of survey usage across third level Institutes. Surveys are sometimes regarded as an easy approach to obtaining opinions and measurements. However, it is easy to conduct a survey of poor quality rather than one of high quality and real value. This seminar will provide a checklist of good practice in the conduct and reporting of survey research. Its purpose is to assist the participants to produce survey work to a high standard, meaning a standard at which the results will be regarded as credible. The seminar will first provide an overview of the approach to questionnaire design and then guide the participants step-by-step through the processes of data collection, data analysis, and storage. The seminar is not intended to provide a manual of how to conduct a survey, but rather to identify common pitfalls and oversights to be avoided by researchers if their work is to be valid and credible. Anyone involved in collecting data from subjects has an ethical duty to respect each individual participant’s autonomy. All surveys should be conducted in an ethical manner and one that accords with best practice. Confidentiality with regard to all participant information should always be respected, with due care given in both the collection, recording, storage and destruction of data. The seminar will highlight the importance and role of ethics, research integrity and data storage in questionnaire design. This seminar was particularly relevant to academic staff, i.e. lecturers, supervisors and researchers, but was also relevant to professional management support staff. Participants attending this seminar gained insights into: The steps involved in designing a reliable questionnaire such as qualities of good questions, questionnaire length, question wording, order of questions, etc. The importance of a Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP) in questionnaire design. How meeting ethical standards ensures researchers act in good faith and protects the integrity of the resulting data. Processes to help us to be aware of, respect and protect the personal data collected."
REQUIRED - Research Ethics in QUestionnaIRE Design
CIT Learning Communities (LCs): Support & Development Session for Existing or Potential LCs
CIT Learning Communities (LCs): Support & Development Session for Existing or Potential LCs
"CIT’s Teaching & Learning Unit (TLU) launched an inaugural call in 2018 to develop and support a number of Learning Communities (LCs) across the institute and is currently working with 13 emerging LCs from across the institute as a direct result of this call. LCs facilitate the exchange of good teaching and learning ideas amongst its members and provide a platform for professional discussions and sharing of practices. The main purpose of this session was to support our current cohort of (LCs) but was also useful to those who would like to learn more about the benefits of initiating and sustaining an active LC."
CIT Learning Communities (LCs): Support & Development Session for Existing or Potential LCs
CIT Learning Communities – Show & Tell
CIT Learning Communities – Show & Tell
CIT’s Teaching & Learning Unit (TLU) launched an inaugural call in 2018 to develop and support a number of Learning Communities (LCs) across the institute and is currently working with 13 emerging LCs from across the institute as a direct result of this call. LCs facilitate the exchange of good teaching and learning ideas amongst its members and provide a platform for professional discussions and sharing of practices. This workshop enabled these emerging LCs to: Showcase their vision and ideas for both their short- and long-term ambitions Show how their activities are influencing teaching and learning in their respective disciplines. An open invitation was extended to all CIT staff to attend what turned out to be a lively and thought-provoking session where they heard more about our LCs and found out how to: Develop a new LC or Create partnerships with existing ones
CIT Learning Communities – Show & Tell
Applying to be a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Applying to be a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
"AdvanceHE is the new name for the UK Higher Education Academy, formed by its merger with the Leadership Foundation and the Equalities Challenge Unit, and this session was aimed at helping participants considering submitting an application to AdvanceHE for Associate Fellowship, Fellowship, Senior Fellowship or Principal Fellowship, depending on role, experience and the participants personal track record. This participative workshop was designed to: Explain the application process; Help participants decide which category was best for them; Explain what is meant by Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and Professional Values, all of which participants would need to evidence in their submission; Help participants start drafting at least part of their application; Clarify where the UK scheme fits alongside the emergent Irish National Professional Development Framework."
Applying to be a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Looking after yourself
Looking after yourself
" “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” (Aristotle) According to a recent study by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), funded by the Health and Safety Authority, the instances of work-related stress amongst employees in Ireland has doubled between 2010 and 2015. Work-Related Stress (WRS) is stress caused or made worse by work. It simply refers to when a person perceives the work environment in such a way that his or her reaction involves feelings of an inability to cope. ‘Stress occurs when an individual perceives an imbalance between the demands placed on them on the one hand, and their ability to cope on the other. It often occurs in situations characterised by low levels of control and support.’ (Professor Tom Cox, I-WHO, University of Nottingham, UK). As we all know, higher education can be a particularly stressful environment for both staff and students due to a variety of competing demands and deadlines at various stages during the academic year, many of which are beyond their control. Rather than just focusing on students, this workshop was all about staff and helping them survive! It aimed to provide participants with some suggestions to help reduce, or at least manage, some of the causes and effects of stress and hopefully help participants to take control of their workload and stress levels. Participants who attended this workshop: Identified strategies that could be utilised to better manage their workload Became more aware of the signs and symptoms of stress Identified some useful strategies to help deal with stress Examined the value of feedback on lectures and the importance of reflecting on one’s teaching for one’s own professional development Discussed some of the shared challenges faced in higher education today and potential solutions"
Looking after yourself
Building Capacity through Professional Development
Building Capacity through Professional Development
"The seminar consisted of two components – presentations and a collaborative workshop. Presentations focused on some key theoretical perspectives and were delivered by Professor Sally Brown and drew on her rich experience in this area as well as ideas from the text she has recently co-authored with Kay Sambell and Linda Graham – Professionalism in Practice. The presentation considered aspects such as drivers for change in higher education and outlined the impact that the professional development framework has had in the UK and the increasingly professionalised nature of higher education in the UK. Change management and the role that Heads of Department and Heads of Schools have in leading change within their disciplines were explored as well as the processes that are available to encourage all staff to engage in professional development – especially in the context of educational development as opposed to developing disciplinary-specific knowledge and skills. In the workshop, participants explored the Irish National Professional Development Framework and identified the likely opportunities that would arise from staff engaging with this Framework as well as the challenges and barriers they are likely to face. The workshop concluded by exploring ways in which the opportunities can be maximised and barriers minimised. The aim of this seminar and the accompanying workshop, was to ensure participants: Understand the drivers for change in higher education, the professionalisation of the higher education sector, and in the context of the UK experience, the benefits arising from engaging with a national professional development framework Have an appreciation of the opportunities afforded by the Professional Development Framework to both themselves and the staff within their departments as well as the barriers to engaging with it. Understand the role of Heads of Departments and Heads of School in leading change within their disciplines Learn about ways of engaging staff in their own professional development"
Building Capacity through Professional Development
Personal Branding – A Workshop for Staff
Personal Branding – A Workshop for Staff
"Third level institutions, like businesses all over the world, are in competition with each other to deliver the best programmes in the country to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. They are on the lookout for that unique element to make them stand out from their competitors. One of the most unique elements that all institutions have are their staff and students. Each and every person in that institution has a unique story and it is these stories that will set an institution apart. Today’s sharing culture allows us all to be in a prime position to share these stories through the use of social media. For staff, personal branding is a way to showcase their own research and that of their institution. The knowledge and experience staff bring to any discipline is a valuable asset that needs to be promoted. The use of social media tools like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are ways to connect with peers, researchers and students alike to share opinions, achievements, events etc. In addition, it will enable future potential students to gain a valuable insight into programmes, modules and research activity on offer by an institution across multiple disciplines. Students need to be aware of the impact that their social media presence can have on their reputation, both personally and professionally. They need to understand how personal branding with social media can be used to showcase their academic achievements and to enhance their employability. However, just using social media is not enough. Personal branding techniques gained from this workshop demonstrated how a strategically planned social media format between staff and students can truly showcase the importance of programmes delivered by that institution. The aims of this workshop were to: Explain what is meant by personal branding and how a strategically planned social media format between staff and students can truly showcase the importance of programmes delivered by that institution. Demonstrate the utilisation of branding and social media tools to create a personal brand. Demonstrate how to manage a personal brand."
Personal Branding – A Workshop for Staff
Recognition of Prior Learning Digital Badge
Recognition of Prior Learning Digital Badge
The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Digital Badge Digital was developed as part of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (NFETLHE) Open Courses initiative for Professional Development by MTU and MIC.
Recognition of Prior Learning Digital Badge
MTU Pathway to Fellowship
MTU Pathway to Fellowship
As part of MTU’s commitment to excellence in teaching, learning and research for the benefit of staff, students, industry, and the wider community, MTU is offering staff the opportunity for professional recognition of their contribution to teaching and learning practice and leadership through the Advance HE Fellowship Scheme.
MTU Pathway to Fellowship
EAT-PD: Enabling Academic Transitions through Professional Development
EAT-PD: Enabling Academic Transitions through Professional Development
The TLU have developed a CPD programme entitled ‘EAT-PD: Enabling Academic Transitions through Professional Development' aimed at new and early career academic staff, i.e., staff that have been teaching full-time for three years or less (or some equivalent). This programme enables staff relatively new to teaching to develop their competencies in the classroom. The focus of this programme is to expose staff to a range of research-based teaching strategies that can be used to enhance lectures and support learning.
EAT-PD: Enabling Academic Transitions through Professional Development
Master of Arts (MA) in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Master of Arts (MA) in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
The TLU has developed the Master of Arts (MA) in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education which aims to equip its graduates with the knowledge, skills and competencies to: - Design, deliver, evaluate and reflect on quality, learner-centred educational programmes - Research key issues in teaching and learning in higher education (HE) - Contribute to the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Master of Arts (MA) in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education