Research & Funding

Research & Funding

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Teaching and Learning Development Fund
Teaching and Learning Development Fund
The Teaching and Learning Development Fund is a funding stream available from the Teaching & Learning Unit (TLU) which can be accessed each year as one of three funding streams through the TLU and AnSEO- The Student Engagement Office’s Combined Funding Call.
The Teaching and Learning Development Fund is a funding stream available from the Teaching & Learning Unit (TLU) which can be accessed each year as one of three funding streams through the TLU and AnSEO- The Student Engagement Office’s Combined Funding Call.
Teaching and Learning Development Fund
Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Student Engagement (TLASE) Research Laboratory
Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Student Engagement (TLASE) Research Laboratory
In September 2021, the TLU secured funding under the recent TUTF (Technological University Transformation Fund) call to establish a Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Student Engagement (TLASE) Research Laboratory. The Laboratory’s objective is to undertake large-scale, rigorous, research in order to generate evidence based TLASE strategies and enhance learning across MTU and beyond. Large-scale, rigorous research in TLASE is important to identify what works, how it works, when it works and where it works. The immediate focus of the TLASE Research Laboratory will be on Assessment and Feedback in areas such industry work placement settings and large, first year classes. We intend to use both the international literature and smaller scale MTU research projects (e.g., projects completed as part of the MA in Teaching and Learning, Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement (SATLE) funded projects, projects coming from Learning Communities, etc) to identify strategies of interest and focus on exploring the extent to which they work when implemented on a larger scale.
Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Student Engagement (TLASE) Research Laboratory