Teaching & Learning

Teaching & Learning

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Some easy ways to use EdTech with your learners
Some easy ways to use EdTech with your learners
This workshop offered an overview of some of the EdTech tools and apps provided and supported by the Technology Enhanced Learning department. It offered the opportunity to: - Find out how fully online courses are being delivered and assessed and how you can use the same technology with your on-campus learners. - Learn about Canvas, the institute’s new Learning Management System and the way it is being integrated with a host of new apps and tools. Find out about tools you can use today to make your classes more engaging and how to create media rich screencasts or video tutorials with software licenced by the Department of Technology Enhanced Learning.
Some easy ways to use EdTech with your learners
The First Lecture and Creating & Maintaining a Positive Environment
The First Lecture and Creating & Maintaining a Positive Environment
This workshop should be of interest to all academic staff, in particular new and early career academic staff, as it examined the work of educators such as Ken Bain, Phil Race and Bill Rogers and: - Provided some tips on preparing for the first lecture of a module in a semester. - Explored approaches, strategies and methodologies for creating and maintaining a classroom environment which promotes learning
The First Lecture and Creating & Maintaining a Positive Environment