TLU Resources

TLU Resources

"#Equality Diversity Inclusion (EDI)"
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
"Maths anxiety is a psychological phenomenon in which a person experienced fear, tension, or discomfort when faced with mathematical tasks or situations. It is a common problem among students in higher education, particularly in subjects that requires a strong mathematical foundation such as physics, engineering, and economics. Maths anxiety could have a range of negative effects on a student's academic performance and well-being and could also have wider implications for a student's academic and career prospects. Joined the Irish Branch of the Mathematical Resilience Network for a Maths Anxiety Awareness Day workshop!"
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
"Maths anxiety is a psychological phenomenon in which a person experienced fear, tension, or discomfort when faced with mathematical tasks or situations. It is a common problem among students in higher education, particularly in subjects that requires a strong mathematical foundation such as physics, engineering, and economics. Maths anxiety could have a range of negative effects on a student's academic performance and well-being and could also have wider implications for a student's academic and career prospects. Joined the Irish Branch of the Mathematical Resilience Network for a Maths Anxiety Awareness Day workshop!"
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
"Maths anxiety is a psychological phenomenon in which a person experienced fear, tension, or discomfort when faced with mathematical tasks or situations. It is a common problem among students in higher education, particularly in subjects that requires a strong mathematical foundation such as physics, engineering, and economics. Maths anxiety could have a range of negative effects on a student's academic performance and well-being and could also have wider implications for a student's academic and career prospects. Joined the Irish Branch of the Mathematical Resilience Network for a Maths Anxiety Awareness Day workshop!"
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
UDL@MTU –Towards Embedding UDL Practice and Principles at MTU
Identifying Students with Dyscalculia
Identifying Students with Dyscalculia
"This one-day course was designed for education professionals who work closely with those who have dyscalculia either in a teaching or supporting role or those who wish to develop their own knowledge and understanding of the area. The one-day course had a particular focus on identifying dyscalculia in learners in a post 16 setting. By the end of the one-day course, participants got an understanding of: What is Dyscalculia? How is dyscalculia different from maths learning difficulties? How can dyscalculia and maths learning difficulties be identified in Post 16 learners? What is maths anxiety? What is good practice in supporting learners with dyscalculia? "
Identifying Students with Dyscalculia
Identifying Students with Dyscalculia
Identifying Students with Dyscalculia
"This one-day course was designed for education professionals who work closely with those who have dyscalculia either in a teaching or supporting role or those who wish to develop their own knowledge and understanding of the area. The one-day course had a particular focus on identifying dyscalculia in learners in a post 16 setting. By the end of the one-day course, participants got an understanding of: What is Dyscalculia? How is dyscalculia different from maths learning difficulties? How can dyscalculia and maths learning difficulties be identified in Post 16 learners? What is maths anxiety? What is good practice in supporting learners with dyscalculia? "
Identifying Students with Dyscalculia
UDL@MTU - Universal Design for Learning: From Zero to Superhero
UDL@MTU - Universal Design for Learning: From Zero to Superhero
In this seminar, we outlined the principles of UDL focusing on the why, how and what of learning. We shared with you our experiences of completing the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education’s (NFETLHE’s) UDL Digital Badge which we completed during the 2020-21 academic year. We provided an insight into what was involved and how it has impacted our thinking and practice in MTU.
UDL@MTU - Universal Design for Learning: From Zero to Superhero
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
"Though nearly as common as dyslexia, dyscalculia is neither well-known nor well-understood among educators and clinicians. In recent years students with dyscalculia have presented in different MTU Cork programmes of study and have struggled with completing core maths modules or using maths within modules of their course such as Science and Business subjects. Staff in MTU Cork were surveyed about their awareness of and questions about Dyscalculia. In addition, students with the Disability Support Service (DSS) were surveyed on their experience of dyscalculia in college. The results of these surveys were used to inform the design and content of this workshop and their findings were presented during the workshop itself. The objective of this workshop was to raise awareness about dyscalculia among the MTU community and identify best practice approaches to support our students with dyscalculia. Following universal design for learning (UDL) principles that promote increased accessibility in teaching and learning we hope that this raised awareness will in fact benefit all students who interact with maths and numbers as part of their studies at MTU Cork. A major focus of this workshop was on ways in which lecturers or tutors can support students with Dyscalculia to succeed. Hilary Maddocks has worked for many years supporting such students at Loughborough University. The student perspective was also presented as we heard from an MTU Cork student about her experiences of learning with Dyscalculia, and the DSS gave some background."
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
"Though nearly as common as dyslexia, dyscalculia is neither well-known nor well-understood among educators and clinicians. In recent years students with dyscalculia have presented in different MTU Cork programmes of study and have struggled with completing core maths modules or using maths within modules of their course such as Science and Business subjects. Staff in MTU Cork were surveyed about their awareness of and questions about Dyscalculia. In addition, students with the Disability Support Service (DSS) were surveyed on their experience of dyscalculia in college. The results of these surveys were used to inform the design and content of this workshop and their findings were presented during the workshop itself. The objective of this workshop was to raise awareness about dyscalculia among the MTU community and identify best practice approaches to support our students with dyscalculia. Following universal design for learning (UDL) principles that promote increased accessibility in teaching and learning we hope that this raised awareness will in fact benefit all students who interact with maths and numbers as part of their studies at MTU Cork. A major focus of this workshop was on ways in which lecturers or tutors can support students with Dyscalculia to succeed. Hilary Maddocks has worked for many years supporting such students at Loughborough University. The student perspective was also presented as we heard from an MTU Cork student about her experiences of learning with Dyscalculia, and the DSS gave some background."
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
RPL, policy, practice, company, cohort and individual approaches, portfolios of learning and assessment
RPL, policy, practice, company, cohort and individual approaches, portfolios of learning and assessment
"This workshop aimed to increase awareness and understanding of the process of recognition of prior learning. Workshop participants were given an opportunity to share views and perspectives in a structured format. A broad outline of the benefits of RPL and the current national and European policy framework provided a backdrop for the consideration of the challenges posed in practice and CIT’s policy and practice in particular. The main objectives of this workshop were that participants would be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits of a recognition of prior learning process for individual learners, cohort groups, employers and higher education providers Evaluate the challenges posed by RPL processes for higher education providers including assessment and how they relate to their professional context Describe and locate CIT policy on RPL and identify the supports available for learners and HE staff"
RPL, policy, practice, company, cohort and individual approaches, portfolios of learning and assessment
Universal Design for Learning: Practical Solutions to Make Your Practice More Inclusive
Universal Design for Learning: Practical Solutions to Make Your Practice More Inclusive
"Our classrooms have become more diverse and complex in terms of both student culture and ability, but the question is, do students see themselves reflected in our practice? This workshop provided participants with an introduction to UDL (Universal Design for Learning) as a model for Inclusive Practice that provides a framework to manage diversity to include all students. It explored the complexity that is implicit in the idea of inclusion especially when supporting students. Some practical tools and strategies were identified that benefit not only students with a disability, but all students in the long run. The workshop was targeted at all CIT staff, and participants: Gained an understanding of what is meant by inclusion and Universal Design for Learning Engaged in practical activities where consideration is given to how designing a learning environment that is inclusive of a more diverse student population. Used the UDL model to design an inclusive learning environment. Considered how to create an Inclusive campus Gained an insight of the work of CIT's Disability Support Service and their work on the use of reasonable accommodations in a more strategic and inclusive manner."
Universal Design for Learning: Practical Solutions to Make Your Practice More Inclusive
A Healthy MTU Striving for a Healthy, Diverse & Inclusive University
A Healthy MTU Striving for a Healthy, Diverse & Inclusive University
The World Health Organisation defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. In direct alignment with this holistic ethos, ‘A Healthy MTU’ (AHMTU) is a campus health promotion initiative that aims to maximise the health and wellbeing of all MTU students, staff and indeed the extended university community. To date, the initiative has been informed by a designated programme of research that has endeavoured to investigate the complex determinants of health within university settings. The overarching purpose of this event was to challenge traditional models of health, and to discuss the inextricable links that exist between health, education, social equity, inclusion, organisational cultures and broader societal determinants. The event encompassed an overview of empirical evidence that has been gathered to date by the AHMTU Research Team, pertaining specifically to the health and wellbeing of MTU staff. In addition, the event aimed to challenge attendees to consider the international ‘Healthy University’ movement, and its aligned initiatives such as AHMTU, as a powerful, synergistic force to contribute towards the creation of a more diverse and inclusive higher education landscape.
A Healthy MTU Striving for a Healthy, Diverse & Inclusive University
In my shoes: The Migrant & Refugee Perspective
In my shoes: The Migrant & Refugee Perspective
"Ireland’s reception system for asylum seekers is known as Direct Provision. Under the Direct Provision system, people are accommodated across the country in communal institutional centres or former hotel style settings. The vast majority of the centres are managed on a for-profit basis by private contractors. In this session, we heard from Fiona Finn , CEO of Nasc, about the work of Nasc and we also heard from two of Nasc’s clients about their stories and the challenges they have faced, because of living in Direct Provision. In addition, we were treated to a short Palestinian cookery demonstration from Izz and Eman’ Alkarajeh, who previously spent time in Direct Provision on arrival in Ireland but have since leaving opened the amazing Izz Café in Cork City!"
In my shoes: The Migrant & Refugee Perspective
Text me when you get home: A Consent & Sexual Harassment Seminar'
Text me when you get home: A Consent & Sexual Harassment Seminar'
"Following the disappearance of Sarah Everard, and the news of her subsequent murder, a post by social media influencer Lucy Mountain with the green WhatsApp message on a white background simply reading “text me when you get home xx” went viral with many women taking to social media to share their personal stories about feeling scared and unsafe in public. This workshop was an interactive 90-minute workshop dealing with the following topics: What is consent, the law and consent? What are the barriers and things that help communicate consent? How to give consent and skills for resisting pressure? Sexual harassment, what it looks and sounds like? What to do if you witness /are being harassed? Where to get support?"
Text me when you get home: A Consent & Sexual Harassment Seminar'
Born This Way
Born This Way
"For decades, “born this way” has been the rallying cry of the mainstream LGBTQI+ rights movement, a simple slogan cited as the basis for both political change and cultural acceptance. LGBTQI+ rights advocates used it to make the case for legal equality. In this session, we heard from members of the LGBTQI+ community about their experiences of exclusion and non-inclusion in their day to day lives and particularly in the higher education sector."
Born This Way
Age is just a number
Age is just a number
"Diversity in the workplace has become a popular topic of conversation in recent years, as more progressive movements and views have permeated society and culture. At this point, the need for and benefits of more workplace diversity regarding gender, race and sexual orientation has been well documented. However, age is one dimension of diversity that is equally important in a learning and working environment. This event celebrated “Age” and offered an insight into generational differences while featuring inspiring talks and experiences of successful MTU professionals. By removing the lens of age as a way to view and label individuals, you can shift the focus to their abilities, skills, experience, and knowledge, where it belongs."
Age is just a number
Traveller Cultural Awareness
Traveller Cultural Awareness
"White Irish Travellers are an Irish ethnic group, making up almost 1% of the Irish population. Travellers have their own unique culture which was based on travelling around the country. As a society Ireland needs to work in partnership with Travellers to address the issues that face the Traveller community, such as education, housing and health. There is a need for public services to respect the cultural and ethnic identity of Travellers when they access services. Less than 1% of the Traveller population progress to third level education. The session was delivered in two parts as follows: Part 1: Denise Baker, a CIT postgraduate, whose thesis was on traveller education and who works with the Traveller community presented her research findings. Part 2: Traveller Cultural Awareness Training (TCAT) was delivered by Traveller Community Workers who have been trained in facilitation skills to deliver the programme. The aims of the TCAT programme are: To raise awareness of Traveller issues To provide information on Traveller culture and how this impacts on educational opportunities To identify the main barriers experienced by Travellers in accessing education To identify ways of moving forward to improve access and uptake of education"
Traveller Cultural Awareness
Get Men Talking - Marie Keating Foundation
Get Men Talking - Marie Keating Foundation
Men are more likely to talk about the news, sports or the weather than they are about their health. But it’s time to Get Men Talking because 1 in 3 men in Ireland will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives even though many cancers can be prevented and most treated successfully […]
Get Men Talking - Marie Keating Foundation
AsIAm Ireland - YouTube
AsIAm Ireland - YouTube
AsIAm Is Ireland’s National Autism Charity. We are working to create a society in which every autistic person is empowered to reach their own personal potential and fully participate in society. We believe that by developing the capacity of the autism community and addressing the societal barriers to inclusion we can make Ireland the world’s most autism-friendly country. What began, in 2014, as an online platform for the community to access information and share experiences has quickly grown into a movement for change for the autism community. Today, AsIAm is Ireland’s most influential autism charity with a team of 14 staff, half of whom are on the autism spectrum.
Description AsIAm Is Ireland’s National Autism Charity. We are working to create a society in which every autistic person is empowered to reach their own personal potential and fully participate in society. We believe that by developing the capacity of the autism community and addressing the societal barriers to inclusion we can make Ireland the world’s most autism-friendly country. What began, in 2014, as an online platform for the community to access information and share experiences has quickly grown into a movement for change for the autism community. Today, AsIAm is Ireland’s most influential autism charity with a team of 14 staff, half of whom are on the autism spectrum.
AsIAm Ireland - YouTube
Understanding Autism and Inclusive Education
Understanding Autism and Inclusive Education
"AsIAm ran an awareness session for all MTU staff and students to provide a greater understanding of autism and the role that each of us can play in making MTU more autism friendly. By the end of this session, participants had a greater understanding of: What autism is The four main challenges that autistic people face The strengths of autistic people Autism friendly language The supports that we each can put in place to include autistic people in all aspects of college life."
Understanding Autism and Inclusive Education
The International Experience
The International Experience
"Every year, people from all over the world travel to different countries in Europe to work and study. Ireland is the destination of choice for some, particularly international students, with its reputation for having a high-quality education system, being English speaking and being a friendly and welcoming destination. But what’s it really like being an international student? Hear, first-hand from our panel of current and former international students about their experiences, the benefits they perceive of being an international student and the challenges they faced and had to overcome."
The International Experience
Unsilencing Black Voices
Unsilencing Black Voices
"There is often a misconception that due to our history of colonisation, racism does not take place in Ireland, but this is not true. Racism has existed in Ireland for a long time and it is important to educate ourselves about the different types of racism that people can experience in order to actively work to be anti-racist in our daily lives. This event was an opportunity to hear from members of the black community in Ireland who shared their personal stories of growing up, living and working in this country, their experiences of identity and racism, and their views on what needs to be done to make Ireland a more inclusive society."
Unsilencing Black Voices
Menopause in the Workplace: Opening the MenopauseConversation
Menopause in the Workplace: Opening the MenopauseConversation
"Women are working longer - that is a fact. Women aged over 50 are the fastest growing segment of the workforce. Menopause is inevitable for all women. Ensuring your work environment is equipped and well placed to help women fulfil their potential at every stage of life is essential for every organisation."
Menopause in the Workplace: Opening the MenopauseConversation
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Menopausal Symptoms
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Menopausal Symptoms
Cognitive behaviour therapy is a brief, non-medical approach that can be helpful for a range of health problems, including anxiety and stress, depressed mood, hot flushes and night sweats, sleep problems and fatigue. CBT helps people to develop practical ways of managing problems and provides new coping skills and useful strategies. For this reason, it can be a helpful approach to try because the skills can be applied to different problems, and can improve wellbeing in general.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Menopausal Symptoms
The Impact of Menopause in the Workplace
The Impact of Menopause in the Workplace
"When a woman goes through the menopause, the symptoms can have a devastating effect on her work life, social life, and relationships. Women going through the menopause often find that they are met with a lack of understanding and empathy in their workplace. Misunderstanding and lack of information about the menopause contribute to everything from dips in employee performance to loss of employees. It is important therefore that organisations make every effort to give their employees the tools necessary to ensure an understanding of the menopause is firmly embedded at all levels within an organisation."
The Impact of Menopause in the Workplace
Assistive Technology and Learning Resources for All
Assistive Technology and Learning Resources for All
"Assistive technology (AT) tools and resources were once meant for students with learning disabilities, but there is clear, documented proof that these tools are beneficial to everyone. This session introduced staff to the various AT that can be used by both students and staff to support academic study including dictation, mind mapping and narration technologies. In addition, some useful learning resources, developed within the CIT Disability Office, were shared that can be used to support all students not just those with disabilities."
Assistive Technology and Learning Resources for All
Recognising and Challenging our Unconscious Bias
Recognising and Challenging our Unconscious Bias
"Unconscious bias refers to the stereotypes, both negative and positive, that exist in our subconscious and affect our behaviour. It can affect workplaces and organisations and can introduce unintentional discrimination which results in poor decision making. Unconscious Bias can be a huge setback in creating a truly diverse and inclusive workplace. The main goal of this workshop was to raise awareness of this important issue amongst staff and give a flavour of further training that is planned for the coming year, in response to CIT’s commitment to Athena SWAN. It is hoped that by encouraging us all to recognise and challenge our own unconscious biases that we can effect positive change within CIT and create a truly diverse and inclusive workspace to the benefit of all. Those attending this workshopl: Gained an understanding of what unconscious bias is Were exposed to some of their own unconscious biases Were provided with some simple tools/techniques to adjust these automatic patterns of thinking"
Recognising and Challenging our Unconscious Bias
"UDL – Learning and Sharing” – practical and easy ways to create more innovative and inclusive practice in lectures and assessments
"UDL – Learning and Sharing” – practical and easy ways to create more innovative and inclusive practice in lectures and assessments
"Universal Design for Learning is an educational framework based on research in the learning sciences, including cognitive neuroscience, that guides the development of flexible learning environments and learning spaces that can accommodate individual learning differences. This workshop focused on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in CIT - if you are looking for ways to ensure that your classroom is as inclusive as possible and create a teaching and learning environment that is accessible to all, then this workshop helped to give you some tools and ideas on how to make this a reality! In the context of UDL, attendees: Examined and reflected on their own lectures and/or assessments Gained some insight into current best practice Obtained some practical and easy ways to create a more inclusive teaching and learning environment"
"UDL – Learning and Sharing” – practical and easy ways to create more innovative and inclusive practice in lectures and assessments