TLU Resources

TLU Resources

"#MTU TLU" "#Tús Maith" #Inclusive
National Forum Seminar 2020-21: UDL Accessibility & Inclusive Assessment and Feedback
National Forum Seminar 2020-21: UDL Accessibility & Inclusive Assessment and Feedback
"Universal Design for Learning (UDL) aims to eliminate barriers in the design of the learning environment to make the curriculum accessible for all. COVID-19 has, if anything, highlighted the need for higher and further education providers to fully embrace UDL principles and practice so as to ensure high-quality education for all students and allow for full active participation by all learners. This session will outline the principles of UDL, examine what these principles look like in action and provide advice on how these principles can be applied, even when at distance or online. In addition, it will demonstrate how, with the correct mindset at the creation stage, we can ensure resources created for students are accessible and how students can be offered flexibility through engagement, representation, action and expression. To conclude, the core tenets of inclusive assessment and feedback practice will be outlined, and how this practice can be developed at programme and individual level will be demonstrated. Drawing on research from the National Forum, UDL and practical case studies as examples, specific assessment methodologies will be examined and consideration will be given as to how these might be transformed, through the lens of universal design, to ensure inclusion of the full student population. Facilitated By: • Dr Lisa Padden, Project Lead - University for All, UCD • Trevor Boland, Digital Media and eLearning Officer, AHEAD (Ireland) • Lorraine Gallagher, Information & Training Officer, AHEAD (Ireland)"
National Forum Seminar 2020-21: UDL Accessibility & Inclusive Assessment and Feedback
Recognising and Challenging our Unconscious Bias
Recognising and Challenging our Unconscious Bias
"Unconscious bias refers to the stereotypes, both negative and positive, that exist in our subconscious and affect our behaviour. It can affect workplaces and organisations and can introduce unintentional discrimination which results in poor decision making. Unconscious Bias can be a huge setback in creating a truly diverse and inclusive workplace. The main goal of this workshop was to raise awareness of this important issue amongst staff and give a flavour of further training that is planned for the coming year, in response to CIT’s commitment to Athena SWAN. It was hoped that by encouraging us all to recognise and challenge our own unconscious biases that we can effect positive change within CIT and create a truly diverse and inclusive workspace to the benefit of all. Those attending this workshop: Gained an understanding of what unconscious bias is Were exposed to some of their own unconscious biases Were provided with some simple tools/techniques to adjust these automatic patterns of thinking,"
Recognising and Challenging our Unconscious Bias
UDL@MTU - Designing for Clarity in Canvas: Supporting Executive Functions - Jennifer Pusateri
UDL@MTU - Designing for Clarity in Canvas: Supporting Executive Functions - Jennifer Pusateri
Executive function (EF) describes a set of cognitive processes and mental skills that help an individual plan, monitor, and successfully execute their goals. The “executive functions,” as they’re known, include attentional control, working memory, inhibition, and problem-solving, many of which are thought to originate in the brain’s prefrontal cortex. Many behaviours in which humans engage, such as breathing or stepping out of the way of an oncoming car, occur without conscious thought. Most others, however, rely on executive function. Any process or goal pursuit that requires time management, decision-making, and storing information in one’s memory makes use of executive function to some degree. Since much of college life is process-driven and demands that students set and meet goals, disruptions in executive function can make it challenging for students to succeed. This workshop examined how we, as lecturers, can support executive functions in our students through the way in which we organise our modules on Canvas.
UDL@MTU - Designing for Clarity in Canvas: Supporting Executive Functions - Jennifer Pusateri