TLU Resources

TLU Resources

#Wellbeing #Mentoring #Coaching
School-Based Positive Psychology Interventions that Promote Well-Being in Children: A Systematic Review
School-Based Positive Psychology Interventions that Promote Well-Being in Children: A Systematic Review
The present study aimed to identify which school-based positive psychology interventions are effective for increasing children’s well-being; synthesize existing interventions; and summarize the quality of identified studies. This systematic literature review includes publications up to August 2020, retrieved from the PsycINFO, ERIC and Scopus databases. This review comprises fifteen studies that fit the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Most of the interventions, programs and curricula that aimed to promote children’s well-being focused on elements of subjective well-being, and their effects remained in the short and long-term. Most of the programs that showed a positive effect on well-being were delivered by teachers, which may have enhanced the success of the programs. To be effective, the content of interventions can include a single component or multiple components of well-being. Further research is needed to verify the impact of the effects on well-being through follow-up assessments. The overall quality of the reports is adequate, but most of them lack a randomized controlled design.
School-Based Positive Psychology Interventions that Promote Well-Being in Children: A Systematic Review
The effect of a mindfulness-based stress intervention on neurobiological and symptom measures in adolescents with early life stress: a randomized feasibility study
The effect of a mindfulness-based stress intervention on neurobiological and symptom measures in adolescents with early life stress: a randomized feasibility study
Early life stress (ELS) has been linked to poor mental and physical health outcomes in adolescence and adulthood. Mindfulness reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety and improves cognitive and social outcomes in both youth and adults. However, little is known whether mindfulness can mitigate against the adverse neurobiological and psychological effects of ELS. This study aimed to examine the feasibility of conducting a group mindfulness intervention in adolescents with ELS and provide preliminary indication of potential effects on stress-related biomarkers and mental health symptoms.
The effect of a mindfulness-based stress intervention on neurobiological and symptom measures in adolescents with early life stress: a randomized feasibility study
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Stereotype Threat: Reconceptualizing the Definition of a ScholarReconceptualizing the Definition of a Scholar
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Stereotype Threat: Reconceptualizing the Definition of a ScholarReconceptualizing the Definition of a Scholar
"If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive."—Audre Lorde In this critical autoethnography I will explore the theoretical underpinnings of the imposter syndrome, stereotype threat, and intersectionality to give voice to my lived experiences as a young, Black woman in the predominately middle-aged, White, male academy. While retelling the stories of both my childhood and young adulthood, I will speak my truth while connecting theory to praxis. I will also explain how I overcame imposter syndrome and stereotype threat by reconceptualizing the definition of a scholar. In the spirit of the opening quote from Audre Lorde, I had to define myself for myself to both survive and thrive. Finally, I will offer several recommendations for women of color to consider as they navigate their own space and place in the elusive ivory tower.
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Stereotype Threat: Reconceptualizing the Definition of a ScholarReconceptualizing the Definition of a Scholar
Being a Better Coach and Mentor: How to help your coachee/mentee gain confidence
Being a Better Coach and Mentor: How to help your coachee/mentee gain confidence
In this ¾ hour seminar, we learned key strategies to help your coachee or mentee overcome barriers to confidence. We explored factors that lead to a loss of confidence and discussed techniques for promoting self-compassion and strength-based growth.
Being a Better Coach and Mentor: How to help your coachee/mentee gain confidence
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series: Challenging Imposter Syndrome IS
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series: Challenging Imposter Syndrome IS
In this 45-minute seminar, we explored how to address Imposter Syndrome (IS) through coaching and Positive Psychology. Focusing on key concepts like the Dunning-Kruger Effect and the neuroscience behind IS, we discussed how IS manifests through behaviours such as People Pleasing, Perfectionism, Paralysis, and Procrastination (the 4 P’s). Participants also explored how to leverage personal strengths to counteract IS and foster success in coaching and mentoring roles. By the end of this talk, participants have: • Gained an understanding of the Dunning-Kruger Effect and its impact on IS. • Discussed the neuroscience of IS and the influence of the 4 P’s. • Explored how the 4 P’s of IS affect personal and professional life. • Discussed role diversity, inclusion, and their effect on success and leadership. • Developed strategies to apply personal strengths to mitigate feelings of IS.
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series: Challenging Imposter Syndrome IS
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series Harnessing Strengths in Teams A Case Study
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series Harnessing Strengths in Teams A Case Study
In this ¾hr seminar, we will examine a specific strengths identification tool and present a case study where this was used in a marketing team, together with pitfalls and positives. The learning from this example, could help those working in teams utilise this strengths identification tool, or similar, to maximise individual energy and workload. In this session, the following will be discussed: - The strengths tool used to identify individual strengths - How these individual strengths were then collated and cross-matched for the team - The subsequent workshops held - The positive outcomes - The challenges - What could have been done differently?
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series Harnessing Strengths in Teams A Case Study
Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? | Bailey Parnell | TEDxRyersonU
Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? | Bailey Parnell | TEDxRyersonU
Scrolling through our social media feeds feels like a harmless part of our daily lives. But is it actually as harmless at seems? According to social media ex...
Scrolling through our social media feeds feels like a harmless part of our daily lives. But is it actually as harmless at seems? According to social media expert Bailey Parnell, our growing and unchecked obsession with social media has unintended long term consequences on our mental health. As social media continues to become part of the fabric of modern life – the “digital layer” – abstinence is becoming less of an option. Bailey think it’s high time we learned to practice safe social before it’s too late. What are the common triggers? How are they affecting you over time? How can you create a more positive experience online? Bailey covers this and more in “Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health?” Bailey Parnell was recently named one of Canada's Top 100 Most Powerful Women. She is an award-winning digital marketer, public speaker and businesswoman with a talent for helping people tell better stories. Her work and expertise have been featured on CBC, CTV & in other local Toronto media. Bailey recently founded SkillsCamp, a soft skills training company where they help people develop the essential skills needed for professional success. She also currently works in digital marketing at Ryerson University. Bailey is a frequent public speaker having spoken to more than 10 thousand people. She primarily speaks about social media, personal branding, and media and mental health. She guest lectured her first MBA class at 21-years-old and has been the youngest speaker as multiple academic conferences. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Communication and Culture with a research focus on social media and mental health, and holds an honours BA from the RTA School of Media at Ryerson. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? | Bailey Parnell | TEDxRyersonU
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Exploring 2nd Wave Positive Pyschology
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Exploring 2nd Wave Positive Pyschology
In this ¾hr seminar, we will revisit the Positive Psychology (PP) movement that was touched on previously with those who participated in the Coaching in Higher Education Foundation Level programme. We will discuss some exciting new ways of bringing PP principles into group settings and the implications for Higher Education Coaching and Mentoring. In this session, the following will be discussed: - Tips to successfully teach PP in group settings - Potential barriers to successfully teaching PP in groups settings - PP in hope therapy - PP Intervention using photographs - Using strengths in different ways - meeting others with similar strengths - Decoding emotions by analysing speech, body, and face - Silent gratitude mapping.
In this ¾hr seminar, we will revisit the Positive Psychology (PP) movement that was touched on previously with those who participated in the Coaching in Higher Education Foundation Level programme. We will discuss some exciting new ways of bringing PP principles into group settings and the implications for Higher Education Coaching and Mentoring. In this session, the following will be discussed: - Tips to successfully teach PP in group settings - Potential barriers to successfully teaching PP in groups settings - PP in hope therapy - PP Intervention using photographs - Using strengths in different ways - meeting others with similar strengths - Decoding emotions by analysing speech, body, and face - Silent gratitude mapping
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Exploring 2nd Wave Positive Pyschology
About Us | Authentic Happiness
About Us | Authentic Happiness
"Welcome to the Authentic Happiness website, a University of Pennsylvania website developed by the Positive Psychology Center. Dr. Martin E. P. Seligman is the Director of the Center, and a Professor of Psychology at Penn. The purpose of this website is to provide free resources where people can learn about Positive Psychology through readings, videos, research, opportunities, conferences, questionnaires with feedback and more. There is no charge for the use of this site. If you would like to take the questionnaires, you first need to register. Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. This field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of work, love and play. The mission of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania is to promote research, training, education and the dissemination of positive psychology."
About Us | Authentic Happiness
Free Strengths Test
Free Strengths Test
You can discover your top 3 realised strengths, 3 unrealised strengths, 2 learned behaviours and 1 weakness in our Free Starter Profile. Use it to start your strengths journey, gain self-awareness of what you love to do and support any job applications. You can choose to upgrade to a more in-depth Profile at any time to learn more of your strengths and gain action advice, tips and a career guide to release further potential.
You can discover your top 3 realised strengths, 3 unrealised strengths, 2 learned behaviours and 1 weakness in our Free Starter Profile. Use it to start your strengths journey, gain self-awareness of what you love to do and support any job applications. You can choose to upgrade to a more in-depth Profile at any time to learn more of your strengths and gain action advice, tips and a career guide to release further potential.
Free Strengths Test
Harnessing the Brain's Capacity for Plasticity, Siobhán Harty
Harnessing the Brain's Capacity for Plasticity, Siobhán Harty
Modern investigations in the field of neuroscience have revealed that, contrary to long held beliefs, the brain has a remarkable capacity to adapt its structure and function throughout the life span. These adaptations are mediated by experience induced changes in the synaptic strength of neural connections, a process referred to as europlasticity. This review presents evidence of how knowledge of the brain’s plastic property can be applied to ameliorate deficits resulting from acquired brain damage and neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as to counter the neural degeneration associated with normal ageing. A vast number of promoting and constraining factors can modulate the extent and efficiency of neuroplasticity. This review examines the current state of knowledge of three of these variables: the degree of damage, the timing of interventions, and the attentional and motivational states of the individual. These variables are discussed in terms of how they can serve to facilitate or inhibit neuroplasticity. Furthermore, it is described how a detailed understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying the influence of these variables can be translated to clinical research and practice, and ultimately optimise functional outcome.
Harnessing the Brain's Capacity for Plasticity, Siobhán Harty
World Leading Psychologist: How To Detach From Overthinking & Anxiety: Dr Julie Smith | E122
World Leading Psychologist: How To Detach From Overthinking & Anxiety: Dr Julie Smith | E122
This weeks episode entitled 'World Leading Psychologist: How To Detach From Overthinking & Anxiety: Dr Julie Smith' topics:0:00 Intro00:58 What made you wan...
This weeks episode entitled 'World Leading Psychologist: How To Detach From Overthinking & Anxiety: Dr Julie Smith' topics:
World Leading Psychologist: How To Detach From Overthinking & Anxiety: Dr Julie Smith | E122
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Self care coaching
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Self care coaching
"This ¾ hr talk explored self-care coaching and how you can help your coachee and yourself to be more cognisant of self-care. This talk was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that is constantly caring for other, always available and willing to help i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc."
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Self care coaching
Empowerment – Master a Mindset for Success
Empowerment – Master a Mindset for Success
"Empowerment is defined as the “the process of gaining freedom and power to do what you want or to control what happens to you”. Empowerment can help you: Feel good and laugh more frequently Recharge your batteries and find a new lease of life Achieve those goals that you may currently think are way too far out of reach Overcome challenges and see tasks through to conclusion For those who want more out of life, to achieve more, do more and be more - this workshop aimed to provide participants with the tools they need to change their mind-set and breakthrough to the next level – tools that, perhaps, could be shared with their students to help them achieve more too! This workshop provided a brief immersion into the power of the mind, and participants learned that the resources we need to move forward positively in life are already within us. Through fun activity and lots of laughter participants opened the door to transformation, instilling courage to dream and participants left with an incredible experience of their power to accomplish amazing results."
Empowerment – Master a Mindset for Success
How to Increase Resilience
How to Increase Resilience
"A common myth is that the way to deal with pressure is to work harder. We like to think that extending work hours and multitasking are ways to be more effective at work. The truth is, this thinking is flawed. Too much pressure or stress creates narrowed thinking and increases the likelihood of flawed reasoning. It also turns on the stress response in the body, releasing a tsunami of chemicals and hormones. Being able to increase your resilience is necessary in today’s uncertain and volatile workforce. This workshop was targeted at all staff, both academic and administrative, and, based on research from the Centre for Creative Leadership, and aimed to introduce participants to a variety of ways to improve resilience, such as: Reframing how we think about situations or experiences The importance of sleep and exercises to support a good night’s sleep Developing strategies to cope when our sleep is compromised Exploring the power of positivity The workshop included an introduction to some simple Tai Chi practices and hand mudras that are very effective ways of managing one’s stress and energy. "
How to Increase Resilience
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 2
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 2
This ¾ hr workshop, part 2 of a 3 part series, explored resilience coaching. Resilience is not exclusively being able to ‘bounce back’ from adversity, but rather a set of tools, exercises, activities that build resilience in a person, enabling them not just to survive, but thrive through the small and big life events.This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 2
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 1
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 1
This ¾ hr workshop, part 1 of a 3 part series, explored resilience coaching. Resilience is not exclusively being able to ‘bounce back’ from adversity, but rather a set of tools, exercises, activities that build resilience in a person, enabling them not just to survive, but thrive through the small and big life events.This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 1
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Mindfulness in Coaching
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Mindfulness in Coaching
Research has shown that mindfulness can alter the physical structure of our brains and if practiced regularly can increase those parts of the brain that deal with attention and processing sensory input (Sara Lazar - Harvard Medical School). This ¾ hr workshop briefly explored some coaching and mentoring techniques using a mindful approach as well as the use of some specific mindfulness tools. This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Mindfulness in Coaching
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Integrating a wellbeing approach and student engagement
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Integrating a wellbeing approach and student engagement
'Integrating wellbeing and student engagement: A coaching approach' This ¾ hr talk briefly explores how the inclusion of wellbeing elements can positively contribute to student engagement.
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Integrating a wellbeing approach and student engagement
Authentic leadership as a pathway to positive health
Authentic leadership as a pathway to positive health
We propose to bridge the domains of positive health and leadership. We suggest that a “positive” health model helps explain highly effective leadership. The leader must strive for health and facilitate health in his/her followers. We look at leadership through this new and positive lens, that of “positive” health promotion.
Authentic leadership as a pathway to positive health