TLU Resources

TLU Resources

#learning "#Website/Web Page" #Tool #Teaching
BE ACTIVE Framework
BE ACTIVE Framework
MTU Teaching & Learning Unit
There are many challenges with engaging students actively in both synchronous and asynchronous environments. To support staff to address some of these challenges the Teaching and Learning Unit (TLU), in Munster Technological University (MTU) developed the ‘Be ACTIVE’ Framework. It is an exploratory framework to support staff and institutions to implement and embed active learning in their everyday teaching practice.
BE ACTIVE Framework
The K. Patricia Cross Academy
The K. Patricia Cross Academy
More methods. Less madness. Techniques Video LibraryCrossCurrents LibraryTeaching Techniques for Higher Education Whether you find yourself teaching online, on-site, or a hybrid of both, our free teaching techniques are focused on helping all students learn and retain new knowledge and skills. Digital StoryStudents use computer-based tools, such as video, audio, graphics, and web publishing, to tell personal or academic stories ... Read More
The K. Patricia Cross Academy