TLU Resources

TLU Resources

#Mentoring #cpd #video #CPD
Coaching isn’t just for Athletes!
Coaching isn’t just for Athletes!
Are you curious about how coaching can be applied in the context of higher education? Have you heard about MTU Cork’s Coaching in Higher Education course? If so, then this is the seminar for you!! Since 2019, MTU Cork staff have been offered the opportunity to attend our European Coaching and Mentoring Council (EMCC) accredited Coaching in Higher Education course and potentially achieve individual EMCC Foundation Level Coaching Accreditation through this programme. To date, the above course has been run 6 times and has attracted over 90 staff from both academic and professional management support areas. The course runs over 5 weeks and typically takes place on Friday afternoons, it consists of 5 modules with each module requiring a weekly commitment of 2.5 hours, and planning is underway for the next iteration which will take place in semester 2. The goal of this session was to raise awareness of how coaching principles and skills can and are being used in MTU Cork and to gain some insights from the following colleagues who have already participated in the course: Gail Cotter Buckley, Tourism and Hospitality, MTU Cork Sarah Culhane, Accounting and Information Systems, MTU Cork Dr. Ciara Glasheen Artem, Orchestral Studies, MTU Cork Catherine O’Mahony, Tourism and Hospitality, MTU Cork Michelle Collins, Marketing and International Business, MTU Cork They spoke about their experience and shared: Why they decided to enrol in the course What they learnt from the experience How they are applying what they’ve learned to their teaching, learning, assessment and student engagement practice And, of course, participants also had the opportunity to pose a few questions of their own. .
Coaching isn’t just for Athletes!