TLU Resources

TLU Resources

#Teaching #Resources #Model "#Student Success"
Identifying Students with Dyscalculia
Identifying Students with Dyscalculia
"This one-day course was designed for education professionals who work closely with those who have dyscalculia either in a teaching or supporting role or those who wish to develop their own knowledge and understanding of the area. The one-day course had a particular focus on identifying dyscalculia in learners in a post 16 setting. By the end of the one-day course, participants got an understanding of: What is Dyscalculia? How is dyscalculia different from maths learning difficulties? How can dyscalculia and maths learning difficulties be identified in Post 16 learners? What is maths anxiety? What is good practice in supporting learners with dyscalculia? "
Identifying Students with Dyscalculia
Supporting Doctoral Students' Writing
Supporting Doctoral Students' Writing
"Writing a thesis is a huge undertaking and one that often overwhelms doctoral candidates. Many students struggle at this stage, experience writer’s block, delay writing and in some cases fail to submit at all. Supervisors can play a crucial role in this stage of the PhD. This seminar looks at the strategies supervisors can employ to help their student complete and submit their thesis. In this seminar, Hugh Kearns facilitated a discussion of: The writing challenges faced by late-stage doctoral students. How supervisors can support students in these challenges. Developing a writing plan and completion plan with the student Providing critical and constructive feedback Supporting the student when the going gets tough The problems experienced by supervisors and potential solutions On completion of the workshop, participants can now: Implement strategies for providing writing feedback to students. Diagnose common problems that need to be resolved in the final draft. Provide support for the emotional challenges of writing up. Offer advice on writing productivity to doctoral students"
Supporting Doctoral Students' Writing
Learning Tools - The Missing Link
Learning Tools - The Missing Link
"In a typically busy academic semester, lecturers and students are naturally focused on delivering and consuming course material and content. Consequently, neither rarely have the time to stop and consider whether the necessary tools are being utilised to promote long term durable learning. Accessing these learning tools is easier than one might think and simple implementable strategies which are backed by decades of research can dramatically improve learning. This interactive session focused on a simple case study which showed how effective the introduction of simple practices can be in facilitating effective learning. Attendees learned how to apply these tools in their own courses and modules and will also got to see what students felt about adopting these new practices."
Learning Tools - The Missing Link