TLU Resources

TLU Resources

UDL@MTU –Towards Embedding UDL Practice and Principles at MTU
UDL@MTU - Universal Design for Learning: From Zero to Superhero
UDL@MTU - Universal Design for Learning: From Zero to Superhero
In this seminar, we outlined the principles of UDL focusing on the why, how and what of learning. We shared with you our experiences of completing the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education’s (NFETLHE’s) UDL Digital Badge which we completed during the 2020-21 academic year. We provided an insight into what was involved and how it has impacted our thinking and practice in MTU.
UDL@MTU - Universal Design for Learning: From Zero to Superhero
UDL@MTU - Universal Design for Learning Co-Designing Your Classroom
UDL@MTU - Universal Design for Learning Co-Designing Your Classroom
"Universal Design for Learning Co-Designing Your Classroom Dr Amanda Bastoni, Educational Research Scientist, CAST Dr Amanda Bastoni’s workshop introduced the concept of co-design and (using the UDL framework) highlighted how educators can increase creativity, collaboration, and learning in their classroom by designing learning with their students. In the workshop, we covered the why and how of co-design, including stories from the field, resources, and strategies educators can use immediately - in any learning environment.
UDL@MTU - Universal Design for Learning Co-Designing Your Classroom
UDL@MTU - UDL-ifying a university and its people
UDL@MTU - UDL-ifying a university and its people
"UDL-ifying a university and its people Prof Jo Rushworth National Teaching Fellow and Professor of Bioscience Education Dr Jo Rushworth draws on her experience as a UDL champion for her School as she outlins a range of options and starting points for colleagues who are starting out on their Universal Design journey. This work focussed on providing students with flexible learning resources, flexible ways to engage with their learning and flexible ways to demonstrate knowledge and skills, that impacted both learning and teaching and institutional policy. In an interactive presentation, Jo tells us about how the UDL guidelines were brought to life and implemented across DMU and leads us in a discussion of early steps toward achieving UDL compliance in teaching practice and of options for continuing development and enhancement. Jo’s work on co-creation with students was among the highlights from her case study.
UDL@MTU - UDL-ifying a university and its people
UDL@MTU - Designing for Clarity in Canvas: Supporting Executive Functions - Jennifer Pusateri
UDL@MTU - Designing for Clarity in Canvas: Supporting Executive Functions - Jennifer Pusateri
Executive function (EF) describes a set of cognitive processes and mental skills that help an individual plan, monitor, and successfully execute their goals. The “executive functions,” as they’re known, include attentional control, working memory, inhibition, and problem-solving, many of which are thought to originate in the brain’s prefrontal cortex. Many behaviours in which humans engage, such as breathing or stepping out of the way of an oncoming car, occur without conscious thought. Most others, however, rely on executive function. Any process or goal pursuit that requires time management, decision-making, and storing information in one’s memory makes use of executive function to some degree. Since much of college life is process-driven and demands that students set and meet goals, disruptions in executive function can make it challenging for students to succeed. This workshop examined how we, as lecturers, can support executive functions in our students through the way in which we organise our modules on Canvas.
UDL@MTU - Designing for Clarity in Canvas: Supporting Executive Functions - Jennifer Pusateri
UDL@MTU - National Forum Seminar 2021-22: Universal Design for Learning Co-Designing Your Classroom
UDL@MTU - National Forum Seminar 2021-22: Universal Design for Learning Co-Designing Your Classroom
Universal Design for Learning Co-Designing Your Classroom Dr Amanda Bastoni, Educational Research Scientist, CAST Dr Amanda Bastoni’s workshop introduced the concept of co-design and (using the UDL framework) highlighted how educators can increase creativity, collaboration, and learning in their classroom by designing learning with their students. In the workshop, we covered the why and how of co-design, including stories from the field, resources, and strategies educators can use immediately - in any learning environment. Timestamp 0:00 Introduction 9:15 What does it mean to Design Learning? 15:00 Reflect on UDL 19:07 Building Relationships 37:17 Ways to Co-Design your classroom 39:00 Co-Design rubrics 41:28 Reflection on Co-Designing 49:14 Co-Design with peers 54:47 Tools to support Co-Design
UDL@MTU - National Forum Seminar 2021-22: Universal Design for Learning Co-Designing Your Classroom
UDL@MTU - National Forum Seminar 2021-22: UDL-ifying a university and its people
UDL@MTU - National Forum Seminar 2021-22: UDL-ifying a university and its people
UDL-ifying a university and its people Prof Jo Rushworth National Teaching Fellow and Professor of Bioscience Education Dr Jo Rushworth draws on her experience as a UDL champion for her School as she outlins a range of options and starting points for colleagues who are starting out on their Universal Design journey. This work focussed on providing students with flexible learning resources, flexible ways to engage with their learning and flexible ways to demonstrate knowledge and skills, that impacted both learning and teaching and institutional policy. In an interactive presentation, Jo tells us about how the UDL guidelines were brought to life and implemented across DMU and leads us in a discussion of early steps toward achieving UDL compliance in teaching practice and of options for continuing development and enhancement. Jo’s work on co-creation with students was among the highlights from her case study. Timestamps 0:00 Introduction 4:13 Overview 9:54 Getting started: UDL Champions 12:31 6 UDL ideas: Quick wins and bigger ideas 13:10 Ideas 1 & 2 13:43 Ideas 3 & 4 14:00 Ideas 5 & 6 14:40 Moving forward: Staff UDL guidance & Training 16:51 UDL staff guidance 17:57 UDL self-assessment & development tool 19:16 Flexible study resources 23:05 Flexible ways to learn 27:03 Flexible ways to show learning 30:36 Co-creation 37:03 UDL-ify a module 56:22 Thank you!
UDL@MTU - National Forum Seminar 2021-22: UDL-ifying a university and its people
UDL@MTU - Engaging Students with Formative Feedback through student-created video
UDL@MTU - Engaging Students with Formative Feedback through student-created video
In June 2021, a project entitled “UDL@MTU – Towards Embedding UDL Practices and Principles at MTU” received funding under MTU’s allocation of the Strategic Alignment of Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund 2020. As part of this project, in semester 1 of the 2021/22 academic year, a local MTU iteration of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education’s (NFETLHE) Digital Badge “Universal Design in Teaching and Learning” was rolled out with twelve colleagues participating from across MTU. In order to complete the badge, participants learnt about Universal Design for Learning (UDL), reflected on their own practice and redesigned some aspects of a teaching activity they were delivering in line with the principles of UDL. They then had to implement and deliver the redesigned activity, collect some feedback from students in terms of their experience of the redesigned activity and submit a short ‘Redesign Activity Report’. Catherine O’Mahony, a lecturer in Tourism in Hospitality, was one of the twelve MTU badge participants.
UDL@MTU - Engaging Students with Formative Feedback through student-created video
UDL@MTU - Podcast
UDL@MTU - Podcast
As part of the UDL@MTU project, 12 colleagues from across MTU participated in a local MTU-wide rollout of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning’s Universal Design in Teaching and Learning Digital Badge and were awarded their badges, To complete this badge, participants are required to complete a redesign activity where they take an element of their own practice and apply UDL principles to redesign it and make it more accessible. We have developed a podcast series, where we showcase some of the excellent practice demonstrated by these colleagues while completing the above badge, which we will be releasing over the coming months:
UDL@MTU - Podcast
UDL@MTU - MTU UDL Module Guide
UDL@MTU - MTU UDL Module Guide
Are you involved in new programme development and about to starting to create new modules? Or are involved in programmatic review and revising some existing modules? If so, the following is a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Module Guide developed by our colleague Ann Toebes, Curriculum Development Facilitator, provides suggestions for how UDL can be embedded in the curriculum via the module descriptor.
UDL@MTU - MTU UDL Module Guide
UDL@MTU - MTU Accessible Canvas template
UDL@MTU - MTU Accessible Canvas template
Executive function (EF) describes a set of cognitive processes and mental skills that help an individual plan, monitor, and successfully execute their goals. The “executive functions,” as they’re known, include attentional control, working memory, inhibition, and problem-solving, many of which are thought to originate in the brain’s prefrontal cortex. Many behaviours in which humans engage, such as breathing or stepping out of the way of an oncoming car, occur without conscious thought. Most others, however, rely on executive function. Any process or goal pursuit that requires time management, decision-making, and storing information in one’s memory makes use of executive function to some degree. Since much of college life is process-driven and demands that students set and meet goals, disruptions in executive function can make it challenging for students to succeed. To support executive functions in students, we developed a prototype accessible Canvas Template to help you organise your module on Canvas.
UDL@MTU - MTU Accessible Canvas template
UDL@MTU - MTU Canvas UDL Checklist
UDL@MTU - MTU Canvas UDL Checklist
Do you wonder is there anything you can do from UDL perspective when you’re setting up your modules on Canvas? If so, you might find the following checklist useful:
UDL@MTU - MTU Canvas UDL Checklist
UDL@MTU - MTU Accessible PowerPoint Template for Teaching Activities
UDL@MTU - MTU Accessible PowerPoint Template for Teaching Activities
Are you putting together a slide deck for teaching purposes? You might consider using one of MTU’s new branded accessible templates! You can access these templates very easily. When you are creating a new PowerPoint presentation, you will see a new tab called Munster Technological University. Here you will find 6 possible templates - 3 black and grey and 3 colour that you can use to ensure that your slide decks are accessible. In each case, there is: - An accessible and sustainable version where the MTU logo only appears on the title slide - An accessible version with the MTU logo in the top RHS for those who might be creating a recording with Screencast-o-matic - An accessible version with the MTU logo in the top LHS for those who might be creating a recording with Zoom
UDL@MTU - MTU Accessible PowerPoint Template for Teaching Activities
UDL@MTU - MTU Diversity Infographic
UDL@MTU - MTU Diversity Infographic
A common misperception in the higher education sector is that UDL is somehow tied to accessibility efforts on behalf of students with learning challenges, especially those who identify as having disabilities. However, nothing could be further from the truth what’s good for students with disability is good for all students. However, today’s higher education institutions are dealing with an increasingly diverse student body consisting of students with different needs, educational backgrounds, attention spans, interests, language abilities and cultural backgrounds all of whom can benefit from UDL approaches. But is the MTU student body really that diverse?
UDL@MTU - MTU Diversity Infographic